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Sunday, 14 November 2004 |
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Sunday parable Minister of 'Fly Affairs' by Sunanda Mahendra "It's awful to have these flies swarming in all places. They are sure to spread various kinds of diseases," said the leader of city dwellers in once upon a kingdom. "So what are we going to do now?" asked the onlookers.
"That's true, flies swarm as a result of ill-kept meat stalls, fish stalls and heaps of garbage scattered around," said another observer. "So we must inform the King about this so that he could take action and ask the city cleaners to take necessary steps." So a group of city dwellers met the King in order to inform about this menace. The King too nodded his head and explained. "I think I have to appoint a special person to bring about a total stop to this menace. If there is a person, who can plan a method to stop this menace, he would be rewarded." "That's a good idea, and we all are grateful to your highness." Then the King sent a town crier calling for any person, who could bring an end to this. The town crier made a repetitive announcement: "The King of the country wishes to meet a person, who can device a method to bring a total stop to the fly menace. If there is anybody, who could do so he may come to the Palace without any hesitation for further details." A certain poor man, who was also known as a witty person, heard this royal proclamation and approached the town crier. "Is it possible for me to see the King right now?" the poor man asked. "Yes certainly." He was ushered into the royal palace without any delay. "I am in a position to eradicate this fly menace Your Majesty," said the poor man. "Are you sure you can do it?" "Yes certainly Your Highness." "Do you have any experience?" "No. But I have been clean conscious throughout my life. So I should be able to take up this position." "What do you really mean by a position?" "Your Highness should not misunderstand me. Please elevate me from the present situation to that of a minister; otherwise my plans can't be implemented." "So what do you want me to call you?" "Your Highness bestow me the title of 'Minister of Fly Affairs' or 'mehi emati' from today onwards." "I will certainly do so. What are the other conditions?" "Please provide me a decent place to live. A sort of an office." "What else?" "Some means of travelling, Your Highness, a palanquin for instance or a royal horse." "I should be in a position to release a royal stable for you." The King got the courtiers to do so. Immediate action was taken to release a horse from the Royal stable. "What else? How about the salary?" the King asked. "I don't think, I should ask for a salary. But if it is within the royal treasury requirements, please remunerate me in some manner possible." "That's good." So the 'Minister of Fly Affairs' went round on horseback and made a primary site observation of the city dwelling. When he saw a meat seller, he told him. "you should understand that I am the 'Minister of Fly Affairs' from today. I got to punish you if I see any flies in your stall. One fly means a penalty of one silver coin. You understand?" The meat seller nodded his head in agreement. Then the fly minister walked to the other stalls. He met fish mongers, sweet vendors and all types of sellers and city dwellers. "See that you don't have a single fly in your place of work," he emphasised. Then he looked back sternly. "I am the newly appointed minister. See that you clean your place of work. Or else you would undergo severe penalty. I am very strict in my actions." Some dwellers and merchants were simply surprised as to how this simple man acquired so much of power. But they dared not question him. Like a one man flying squad, the 'Minister of Fly Affairs' dismounted from his horse and approached a meat stall. "How many flies do you have here?" he asked the meat seller. "Only five flies." "No that's a lie. I saw ten flies. So the penalty is ten silver coins. Hand it over immediately before I put you behind bars." The meat seller handed over ten silver coins. The Fly Minister had a special satchel to put the silver coins. "You must understand that you keep this place clean. This penalty goes to the Royal Treasury." Then he moved on to another stall. This time it happened to be a fish stall. The fish monger tried his best to keep the place clean. But the flies had come anyway. "How many flies do you have here?" The minister asked. "About three or four." "You are lying. I saw about ten. So the penalty is ten silver coins. Hand it over immediately, and see that when I come next, the place kept spick and span." The fish monger handed over ten silver coins in bewilderment. "This money goes to the Royal Treasury," the minister said and put the money into his special satchel. "Come on now, you are a good for nothing city dweller. You may be quite a rich person, but you are unaware of the sanitation of the country. You have no idea, where your rubbish should be put. I saw twenty flies here." he told a very rich man. The rich man was surprised to hear this. "There wasn't a single fly here. And who are you?" "I am the Minister of Fly Affairs. Don't question me? The penalty imposed is twenty silver coins. Hand it over immediately before I call the royal men to put you behind the bars." The rich man gave twenty silver coins with much reluctance. In order to escape from the eyes of the Minister of Fly Affairs some city dwellers put up banners, saying "Long live our Minister of Fly Affairs", "A special thank goes to our King for this new appointment". The Minister of Fly Affairs cast a smile and moved on to another place, thinking 'Oh I have sympathisers in this city'. Even if there happened to be flies in those premises of banner hangers, the minister would overlook and never punish. In this manner the Minister of Fly Affairs made as much money as possible. But as time passed by, some city dwellers were angry for they were penalised severely over and above some others. One day the King wanted to see the cleanliness of the Kingdom. He travelled in a palanquin. At a particular place, he saw a towering mansion. "Whose mansion is that?" the King inquired. "Didn't you know Your Highness, it's the mansion of Minister of Fly Affairs." "But it's not second to my palace." "Yes indeed Your Highness. He is the richest minister in the Kingdom." "How do you account for that, for he never asked for a salary?" "Please ask the minister, Your Highness," said the courtier. The King summoned the Minister of Fly Affairs and asked as to how he managed to build such a magnificent mansion so quickly. The Minister of Fly Affairs smiled and said. "Your Highness had asked me the wrong question. Instead Your Highness should have asked me whether we have troubles with the flies in the Kingdom." |
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