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Tit-for-tat killings take their toll

Crime Sunday by Jaympathy Jayasinghe

The secret war being waged across the country between the LTTE and the Karuna faction seems to be hotting up in Colombo and in the North -East provinces with tit -for tat killings during the past few weeks.

The recent incident happened at Chenkalady on Thursday around 10.15 a.m when several E.P.D.P cadres accompanied by the army and police officers were fired upon when they visited a fair at Chenkalady.

Several persons including the EPDP member, one Ravi, an army Corporal, a policeman were injured while a civilian had died in the attack. Police said the injured were rushed to Batticaloa hospital.

The Corporal is said to be in a serious condition. The DIG Eastern Province, Nevil Wijesinghe has ordered an inquiry into the incident.

What is alarming about the current situation is that despite the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) individual killings have continued up to this date. But of course, a major war has been averted after the CFA was signed in 2002. But several intelligence officers of the army and the police, suspected of prying into activities of the LTTE have been brutally assassinated during the past.

Meanwhile several individual killings have been reported within the Colombo city during the past few weeks. Many individuals belonging to rival factions have been murdered. The killings have continued up to this date with several splinter para-military organisations operating freely targeting members of rival factions.

Last week the killing of a LTTE cadre named Vellithan ShashiKumar was reported from Valachchenai. He was shot dead at Weerapandi in Modu village. The victim was suspected to to the head of the LTTE monetary section. According to police, the assailants travelling on a motor cycle had shot him on his head with a T-56 automatic rifle.

The victim was shot after he returned from Vakkarai. Police have arrested two suspects from the Karuna faction believed to be involved in the killing.

Meanwhile another killing was reported from Valachchenai where one K. Pakkaya Rasa, believed to be a member of the Karuna faction was abducted from his home at Alakulam presumably by LTTE cadres and shot on his head with a T-56 rifle last week.

His body was found at the Valachchenai junction with his hands tied behind his body. OIC Valachchenai is investigating the killing.

Several terrorist killings have been reported from Colombo during the past few weeks despite tight security measures.

Last week Sub Inspector Samaranayake while on a police mobile patrol found a body of a man lying on the road at Nelson place Wellawatte. The man had been shot dead by an unidentified gunman. Police found a national identity card bearing the name Indra Kumar, a native from Punagar village.

A copy of the Thinnamurusu newspaper was also found lying about 100 feet away from the spot where the body was lying.

So far no one has been arrested in connection with the killing. OIC Crimes Wellawatte is investigating the killing.

Another killing was reported last week where two suspected LTTE cadres were shot dead by unidentified persons around 5.45 a.m. near the Badra Kovil at Kotahena. Initial investigations revealed that the two LTTE cadres are natives of Gurunagar Jaffna.

The victims have had in their possession two National Identity Cards, two cellular mobile phones and cash Rs 5000. Five empty pistol bullets were found at the murder scene. OIC Kotahena Police, Inspector Appuhamy said that no one has been arrested so far.

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