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Sunday, 10 July 2005 |
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Viral fever - the common malady Four-year-old Nirmani and her little sister are frequently attacked by the flu. And their mother, too gets infected with the flu at the same time. Each time, their family doctor simply diagnosed the flu as 'VIRAL FEVER'. Fever, with high temperature reading, as high as 102 fahrenheit, answers only to certain antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
According to epidemiologists, to separate common fever from the viral fever, one has to consider the degree and duration of the fever to monitor the severity of the illness. "In cases, most fever will last just for a couple of days, less than a week. But, if the fever lasts for more than a week without any known causes it will raise an alert to take immediate medication. It may not be just fever. It could be due to some other underlying disease", warns Dr. Ananda Amerasinghe, Consultant Epidemiologist of the Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry. He says that in Sri Lanka what we call flu is just fever accompanied by a headache and severe muscular pain, when some will have difficulty in breathing and some lose their appetite. "But in the Western countries they say flu for influenza, which is a viral disease. A variety of influenza are very common in those countries especially during the winter season. " There, people are given vaccinations because they suspect that it is not just influenza and could end up with severe complications, especially the neurological problems, paralysis and even deaths. Vaccines are administered in advance for vulnerable groups like elderly people, young children and others with life threatening diseases ", he adds. According to Dr. Amerasinghe, the viral flu which we call in Sri Lanka is caused by viruses and is definitely not influenza. " Influenza is extremely rare in Sri Lanka. Other than that, there are some other viruses which can give fever, headache, muscle pain", he says. "What we experience now is a very mild flu but the vulnerable like the sick and little ones should not be kept for more than three days even with mild fever, and should be given treatment immediately", he says. However, the viral flu caused by viruses is very infectious and spreads very quickly. If the fever does not settle down within two to three days it is not the mild form and may be a complicated viral fever or due to any other bacterial infections. Sometimes, the doctors may ask those who have high fever, especially children and the sick, to get some laboratory tests done because they are vulnerable to secondary infections with bacterial origin. " Because they are likely to get another bacterial disease along with the prevalent viral fever, they need antibiotics. But for those fevers, which are of viral origin need no antibiotics but just pain killers and rest with proper nutrition", he says.. Dr. Amerasinghe says that most of these fevers may last just for about three days and will pass off, with good rest and nutrition. According to Dr. Amerasinghe, there is no exact cause for the rapid spread of the viral fever but it is spreading fast among the public, now compared to few decades ago. "It can be attributed to the busy and exhausted lifestyles of people, who work from dawn to dusk without proper rest and food. The environment pollution can also be attributed to this as we lack fresh air to breathe. It clearly shows that people living in urban areas are more vulnerable to viral fever than those who are living in rural areas", he points out. According to Dr. Amerasinghe, we see an increase in viral fever because people infected with the viral fever are travelling and moving with others by going to work and travelling in congested buses and trains, despite their infection. "The best advice for those who are infected with viral fever is to stay at home while receiving medication. Forget about your work and rest for a few days and this will help you towards a speedy recovery and it will also protect the others" he advises. On the other hand they become immune to antibiotics. " Doctors also should prescribe antibiotics in a rational way and the best way to get the viral fever off your back is through your own immunity, by taking adequate rest and proper nutrition", he says. Over 50 per cent of people infected with viral fever do not need antibiotics. *** Fever facts * If the thermometer reading indicates 37.2 celsius or 98.4 fahrenheit, it is normal. * If it is over 40 celsius or over 102 fahrenheit it is high fever. * Fever is one of the signs for thousands of diseases like malaria, leptropirosis, meningitis, TB and some forms of cancers. * Mild or common fever will last for three to seven days. * Viral fever will last for three days and will recede gradually. *** Things to remember * If it is a mild fever be at home and rest. Eat food rich in nutrition, despite any appetite loss. * If it is high fever, do not stay at home for three days but rush to the doctor immediately. * Even if it is common fever or viral fever be at home. * Do not travel, and avoid going about in public places. * Drink plenty of fluids. * Do not try to buy and use antibiotics, which were prescribed earlier by your doctor when you or your family member had fever. Remember self-medication will make the illness worse. * Think twice about eating unhygienically cooked meals to avoid further infections. Eat home cooked meals rather than food from outside. * Avoid eating raw food. * Eat fresh fruits. * Do not go for heavy meals. Eat in small portions. Especially do not force small children with fever to eat as usual. Mosquito menace to stay: new idea shelved by Indeewara Thilakarathne "The authorities have turned a blind eye on my inventions. Two years ago I discovered a method to eliminate the menace of Salvenia and Japan Jabara by biological means. However the authorities were reluctant to accept my method and Sri Lanka still suffers from this menace" said young inventor Lalith Randeniya at a press briefing held at Hotel Continental, Colombo recently. The press briefing was held to announce his latest findings of a research on Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTi) which had been successfully used in Cuba and Singapore where the prevalence of mosquitoes has been reduced by 95 percent. The inventor questioned as to why the Sri Lankan authorities and bureaucrats are reluctant to use this bacteria which has been tried and tested in Cuba. "I am prepared to help the government only if the government is ready to implement my program without it being subjected to screening by bureaucrats". He said that although there are some practical problems in the use of BTi in some places, that could be overcome and should not stand as a reason to reject BTi use outright. Lalith said that he did the final stage of his research on bio-elimination of mosquitoes in Singapore as it could not be done in Sri Lanka due to lack of facilities. The inventor also introduced a safety letter opener which could be used at diplomatic missions and embassies to detect suspected letters that may contain Anthrax or letter bombs. The model Opener is equipped with a scanner, electronic detector and a Fax machine. The receiver could open a letter by hand without a risk to his or her life. You & your baby Diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. This is one of the commonest disorders during pregnancy. But, due to changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns, today cases of diabetes during pregnancy have increased compared to a decade ago. Like hypertension, diabetes also carries some risk to the mother as well as to the baby. But, here the baby is more prone to risk if the mother is suffering from diabetes. Diabetes can be classified as gestational diabetes mellitus or chronic diabetes mellitus. Some women have diabetes before they become pregnant and others develop it during pregnancy, which is called gestational diabetes. This will develop as a result of the pregnancy and will disappear within few weeks after birth. If the patient is a diabetic even before the pregnancy and the diabetes gets aggravated as a result of the pregnancy, it is called chronic diabetes. These patients do not get better after child birth. Symptoms of diabetes are * excessive thirst * weight loss * eating too much * urinating a lot * overweight. However, thirst and increase in appetite among diabetics may lead to further aggravation. If you were diabetic before pregnancy, you will probably return to your previous condition and treatment. Anyway, complications of diabetes may worsen during pregnancy. So, those who have diabetes, sugar levels need to be controlled from the time of conception and this will help prevent various abnormalities in the baby. Uncontrolled diabetes will cause defects in the heart, spine, kidney and various other organs in the body of the baby. Proper control of diabetes can minimise these defects in a baby. Therefore, if you are a diabetic and if you want to conceive, it is mandatory to visit your physician and check your blood sugar. The blood sugar levels should be under control before you become pregnant. It is vital to take folic acid pre-conceptionally, which could minimise the neural tube defects. If you develop diabetes during pregnancy, you may need to 'draft' a special diet chart for you. Your diet should not contain food with sugar, flour and white rice, which are rich in refined sugar. Red rice, green leaves, green gram, 'kurakkan flour, food containing high fibre and fruits are mainly included in the diet. The three major diets should be divided into six small diets to facilitate the body to absorb them gradually. Say 'no' to aerated drinks, sweets and oily fast food. Exercises also plays a major role in a diabetic pregnant mother. You can stick to your normal exercise routine. But if you are taking insulin you have to take extra care when doing exercises. The insulin dosage will be determined by your doctor and if you are taking insulin before pregnancy you need to continue with it on your doctors advice. Women with the following history or conditions are more vulnerable to develop diabetes during pregnancy: * A family history of diabetes * Women with overweight of over 80 kgs. * A previous baby that weighed more than 3.8 kg to 4 kg at birth * A shell born baby * A previous baby with birth defects * Previous miscarriages * Age over 35 years. However, controlling your diabetes to have a healthy delivery is a team effort where you need to listen carefully to your physician, gynaecologist and the dietician. But a 'huge' responsibility lies on you. A balanced diet with moderate exercise will help you control diabetes during pregnancy. Holistic healing 'Mind-Body Relationship' by Dr. Danister L. Perera, Registrar, Sri Lanka Ayurvedic Medical Council. Amongst numerous known factors, personality characteristics or traits also play an important role to make the person susceptible to cancer. The body constitution named "PRAKRITI" has been used in Ayurvedic literature relating to health and disease. The present study attempts to ascertain whether the individuals possessing some specific 'Prakriti' are more susceptible to cancer. The study also proposes to examine the changes, which the cancer patients undergo after the diagnosis and subsequently after surgical removal of an important organ. In view of the ancient philosophy of 'Mind-Body Relationship', it may be hypothesized that the person who develops cancer possesses in excess or deficiency some of the psychological characteristics and tendencies which may deviate them from normal living environment. Ayurveda evaluates all issues in health from the perspective of the unified field, and its first manifestations, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. As you read the qualities of the three doshas listed below, think about which best describes you. Vata Dominant constitution Lighter, thinner build, performs activity quickly, tendency toward dry skin especially in winter, aversion to cold weather, irregular hunger and digestion, quick to grasp new information, also quick to forget, tendency towards worry, tendency towards constipation, tendency towards light and interrupted sleep, enthusiastic and vivacious by nature, walks quickly, difficulty making decisions or often changes his or her mind, talkative, Pitta dominant constitution Moderate build, performs activity with medium speed, aversion to hot weather, perspires easily, prefers cold food and drinks, sharp hunger and digestion, can't skip meals, medium time to grasp new information, medium memory, strong intellect, great precision and organization, tendency toward reddish hair and complexion, moles and freckles, good public speakers, tendency toward irritability and anger, enterprising and sharp in character, Kapha dominant constitution Solid, heavier build, gains weight easily, greater strength and
endurance, Oily, smooth skin, Slow digestion, mild hunger, can skip lunch
without significant discomfort, tranquil, steady personality, slow to grasp
new information, slow to forget, slow to become excited or irritated, sleep
is heavy and long, hair is plentiful, thick and wavy, tendency to excess
mucous, chronic congestion, sinus problems and allergies, tendency toward
lethargy and depression, performs activity slowly, sweet and happy by
nature. |
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