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Sunday, 25 September 2005 |
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Micronutrient deficiencies: Fruits and veges for longevity by Dr. Chandrani L. Piyasena, Head, Department of Nutrition, Medical Research Institute
This status is known as "Hidden Hunger". They are vital to develop normal regulatory systems in the body, for efficient energy metabolism and for other functions such as immunity, work capacity, reproductive health, normal development and functioning of the human brain. Productive living is not possible without them. The longevity of human beings is also found to be closely related to this adequate intake of micronutrients. Micronutrient malnutrition is the term commonly used when referring to the three nutritional deficiencies of public health significance - Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) - Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) and - Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA). In addition to this above, zinc and folic deficiencies are also important for health and development. The other micronutrients that are important for health and nutrition either because of deficiency, excess or interference of metabolism of other nutrients are thiamin, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, copper and fluorine. A deficiency in one of these can affect the body's ability to absorb and use others. These forms of malnutrition affect millions of people. Deficiency status The causes of deficiency vary from nutrient to nutrient. Different ingredients in the diet can also affect the body's ability to absorb micronutrients. Insufficient food variety is the primary cause of micronutrient deficiencies. The poor are most at risk, even after spending most of their income on food; they often cannot obtain the necessary dietary variety to meet their nutrient needs. Mistaken beliefs and lack of knowledge about the nutritional value of different foods can prevent people from obtaining these essential nutrients. During growth, micronutrient intake must increase or else growth failure or deficiency diseases develop. It is during these periods that deficiency symptoms are most prevalent. For these reasons, pre-school aged children, adolescents, and reproductive-aged women are high priority target groups. School-aged children are a secondary target group because of learning problems associated with micronutrient deficiencies. Anaemic adult workers are a third target group; for example iron supplementation has been shown to significantly improve work output in tea estate workers in Sri Lanka. There are important interactions between micronutrient deficiencies and infectious diseases. Recognizing the problem, policy makers endorsed the goals adopted by the WHO and the UNICEF and adopted a declaration and plan of action calling for realisation of the following goals by 2000. * Virtual elimination of Iodine Deficiency disorders as a public health problem * Virtual elimination of Vitamin A Deficiency and its consequences including blindness. * Reduction by one-third of 1990 levels of Iron Deficiency Anaemia of women of child bearing age. The best way of controlling micronutrient deficiencies is to ensure access to an adequate diet. This may involve encouraging production of fruits and vegetables. Intensive education and support is necessary to change the eating habits. Food hygiene and method of storage, preparation and cooking may need to be modified. Local traditions and food taboos that discriminate against women, children and elderly have to be overcome. *** Recent scientific evidences reveal that micronutrient deficiencies may affect health as follows: Various deficiency disorders Birth defects Infant development Physical/mental capacity Blindness High mortality and morbidity rates Due to poor Immune responses Low productivity Diet-related degenerative diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and cancer. Childcare 'stress for toddlers'
They found stress levels were still raised months after beginning child care - even though outward signs of distress had stopped. "For most toddlers the initiation of daycare is a major stress," writes report co-author Michael Lamb. The study of children's reaction to leaving home casts light on a question that would have been asked by many working parents: "Do children really worry about being away from their parents?" The answer from this study suggests that children do experience increased stress - with measurements being based on the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva. Researchers tracked the 70 children in Berlin, aged 15 months, from before they started childcare, through their first day and then as they adapted and became more accustomed to their childcare setting. The research found that stress levels increased when children entered childcare and, though lower, were still above normal several months later. "It is stressful for both infants and children to start spending extended periods of time in noisy new environments separated from their trusted sources of comfort and support," writes Professor Lamb from Cambridge University's faculty of social and political sciences. Even though levels of "fussing and crying" subside after the first few days, and children stop showing "overt" signs of distress, Professor Lamb says children still have "heightened levels of vigilance or arousal even after they appear to have adjusted to daycare". These children might also make more compensatory demands for interaction with their parents. The research suggests there are ways that the impact might be softened - including reducing the length of time in which children are with carers each day, more individualised attention from childminders, and childcare settings which are smaller and more home-like. But there is also a reminder that stress exists in children even when they seem to have adapted to childcare - and that if children are going to be properly settled and reassured there is a need for parents to provide "child-focused emotional exchange", particularly in the hours before sleep. (BBC news) Alert: Chinese medicine on slimming contains harmful substance The medicines watchdog has issued a warning about illegal and potentially dangerous traditional Chinese medicine slimming aids available in the UK. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) says some may contain potentially harmful substances. A drug which raises blood pressure and an amphetamine-like stimulant have both been found in slimming aids. The MHRA said the herbal medicine sector backed its efforts to ensure that only safe products were available. Promoted as safe Some Chinese medicine slimming aids have been found to contain sibutramine, a prescription that should only be used under medical supervision as it may raise blood pressure. Others contain an amphetamine-like stimulant called methylphenidate that may lead to high blood pressure and adversely affect the efficacy of antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. Aristolochia, a banned substance often found in Chinese medical products and linked with kidney failure and cancer, has also recently been found in UK herbal medicines. The MHRA said one weight loss remedy - Shubao Slimming Capsules - was thought to be responsible for a UK case of irreversible liver failure. The patient in that case required a liver transplant. Roy Alder, Director of Executive Support at the MHRA said: "We recognise that many consumers value traditional Chinese medicines but they should be aware that we continue to find products manufactured to low quality standards that contain potentially harmful substances. "Many of these products are promoted as natural and safe, and hazardous ingredients may not be declared on the label." The MHRA said it aimed to reduce the availability of dangerous herbal slimming aids through laws, consumer advice and improving the regulation of unlicensed herbal remedies. (BBC news) Holistic healing Miracle plant remedies for joint care by Dr. Danister L. Perera In Ayurveda there are a large number of medicinal plants used for the treatment of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Some of these researches have opened new vistas for modern drug discoveries based on natural substances. Aspirin, the most popular anti-inflammatory medicine was historically derived from the bark of the willow plant which was a famous home remedy for aches and pains. Indian scholars have conducted detailed investigations on anti-inflammatory properties in medicinal plants prescribed in formula from which are used for the treatment of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Most of these studies have significantly shown that the efficacy of the plant medicines is holistic and unexplainable in terms of advance chemistry or molecular biology. Apart from that there are many well-known medicinal plants effective in these therapeutic preparations. Some of them are used in external applications and some internally as decoctions. In Ayurvedic treatment process, applications are recommended internally as well as externally in order to correct the erroneous conditions in the body. Very popular internal preparations of indigenous medicine is the decoction (Kashaya) which can be called the concentrated water extract of the herbal ingredients. Sometimes infusion or herbal tea is prescribed to be taken with medicinal pills (Guli) or pastes (Kalka) or powders (Choorna). Arishtas and Asawas are another kind of liquid preparations containing a very low percentage of naturally fermented alcohol with medicinal properties diluted in it. Medicated Guggulu or the purified gum of Commiphora mukul fortified with herbal extracts is one of the best preparations recommended for arthritic conditions as an internal remedy. Gugul is screened by Western scientist and has been interestingly found to contain medicinal properties with anti-inflammatory effect. For external applications medicinal poultices and packs are recommended in arthritis to reduce the pain and swelling. In some cases heat application is proscribed in order to avoid further irritation and inflammatory reactions. Even very effective medicated oils can aggravate the condition in misinterpreted arthritic cases. But medicated oil application sometimes gives an instant relief in Vata dominant arthritic cases. Since Ayurvedic preparations available in the market are not always recommended over-the-counter as these remedies must be prescribed and induced under medical supervision to prevent any contra-indications which provoke the condition. Herbal preparations are getting much popular for treating joint ailments like arthritis and other rheumatoid conditions. Ayurveda, many thousands of years ago has mentioned very clearly about medicinal plants having healing properties which can fight against joint ailments. The medicinal plants used in the treatments for arthritis are bearing properties with multiple effects in controlling the symptoms of such conditions. Controlling pain, reducing swelling, increasing urine, drying out the congestion of joints, regulating the bowel movements, correcting the metabolic process, normalising the appetite, detoxifying the system, fortifying the joint tissues are some of the expected outcomes of the treatment of arthritis. In Ayurvedic treatments carrying medicinal properties to the target organ and converting into biological substances are performed by natural healing principle of the body. Therefore it is not reasonable to hurry in getting quick results and
instant cure in Ayurvedic treatment procedure. |
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