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Sunday, 16 October 2005 |
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The ultimate single: Numeral Nine (Part Three) Kaleidoscope by Rohan Jayawardena It is Termed 90%: In the statement "Nine parts of the whole" the matter of English expression is used succinctly to state in simple terms a far more complex issue at hand. This also means 90 out of 100; and 900 out of 1000; the word "whole" having meant Ten as being the total issue while "Nine Parts" means 90%. This is the symbolism matter which makes things clear idiomatically and cuts away reams of syntax. It gives "a picture" to the imagination; and gives clear identification. Therefore could NINE, when simplified as with the "Ninth Part", become an I.D.number? The Book Of Revelations: In chapter 13 at verse 18 of the bible's Book of Revelations there is the "No.666" assigned to a so-called "beast". By reference in chapter 13 it is seen that this is the SECOND "beast"; the first "beast" is at Verse One and has as many as seven heads! The second one (13:11) has only one head but also the appearance of a "lamb" and the "Voice of a dragon (No.666). The first one with its peculiar figurative description could signify institutions with many "heads", etc. Going by the text the second creature provides "signs" that are apparent remedies (13:16). Also, what does a lamb's image portray? The Proposition Is:Why should a Number be used in this puzzling instance expect to OVERCOME the dangers, pitfalls, and confusions in interpretation and translation? It is meant to specify (clarify) and is with special meaning in it. The Book has been written in Greek in the times of the Roman empire where the History/Annals (ref:Cornelius Tacitus) of Rome and the provinces do indeed confirm "prodigious" happenings in the skies over the Temple of Jerusalem even at that time. However it is puzzling that this document should be addressed to the world in any other than the Latin, given the circumstances! Therefore the need of CLARITY by means of a number (a symbolic one, as well) is the only for its provision here, given the severe REASON problems of language. By application of the earlier stated need for a single digit, the evaluation of No.666 yields:(I) "666" is approx. Two-thirds or 67%; or (II) "666" adds up to 18. This is also at verse 18. One plus Eight yields 9. In the next verse at chapter 14:1 there is "144,000" which also yields 9! It is more likely thereby that so-called "beast" at v.13:11 given "No.666" (at 13:18) has a mark of No.9:further careful reading provides words such as "it is a man" and "here is wisdom". Therefore is this instead meant to be_alternatively_ dreadful or awesome or monstrous? Phenomenal perhaps. In actual fact, to be "beastly" is only a concept. In can be affixed upon an animal or even a person (to be "beastly" to a spouse or a friend). However, this is general and NOT SPECIFIC. On the other hand the writing in scripture has always been characterised by simplicity and clarity_as with the illustrative parables, etc_for obvious reasons of guidance and historical accuracy. The problem here lies with language expression that is out of context with the usual tradition. If the entity at Verse 11 and 18 is "lamblike" in appearance albeit having No.666, then the creature at Verse One of chapter 13 seems "beastly" in comparison according to the given text (v.1-8). It "blasphemes" and at 13:3 has one "head" severed which means some imbalance of function would follow. This goes on until 13:8 where it is said that it is responsible for the "slain lamb" from the beginning of time BUT world "adored" it nevertheless. It is also in the grip of a dragon: WHAT does this signify? The second creature (No.666) of the lamblike appearance is "a man" and a giver of signs and so forth (13:16-18). It has a uniqueness. This matter then requires analysis: is this a REMEDY or a destruction? Authorship On analysis, the writing style of John the Apostle is seen in three Epistles that precede the Bk of Revelations. It is in stark contrast, of a benign holy man and quite uncomplicated! HOWEVER, at chap. One V.P-2 and in the last chapter No.22 at verse 16, it is emphatically said that the text is of: "Jesus Christ as revealed to John by his angel" Therefore the mind of the writer, the style of his expression, and the use of symbolic statements to history requires of the readership to look beyond simple methods. The latter is okey for the three Epistles of John, no doubt. But there is more to this than the obvious. The Sixth Sense At the time of the original writings, the data on the psychic capacity (the 6th sense) was nil. There is a heap of evidence now, including the engagement of these gifted (unique) psychic person (seen on TV) to resolve instances of crime. The scientific studies on ESP go back to the earliest Polar expeditions and to the Russian space exploration times. However the detail on the findings is unavailable. The factor at work is that a reasonable percentage of instances of ESP signifies a high plausibility. Nevertheless it remains in the invisible and cannot be verified by instruments of human measure. (The biographical book "The Link" on the British psychic Mathew Manning provides reams of laboratory data). Today the idea is unavoidable. The information points to an elevated mental prowess that is difficult to comprehend but in real terms does not harm any life form. It is a subject in itself, nevertheless. (Are there three types of the 6th sense?). Conclusion If it is acceptable that the No.666 is placed as a means of avoiding the dangers and confusions in history caused by language, translations, etc, then the theory of the Identification Number Nine is not an unreasonable one. It would point usually to an extremely high prowess based upon the natural factors of which some are yet not clearly discernable. If it is NINE, then it is possibly of an "ultimate" sort and singular: but it is natural rather than of the un-natural. There is no (un-natural) hybrid form of life in species ("Crossing") except the Jackass which is both sterile and harmless. The DNA has thus provided in its codeing as a means of preserving the harmony of nature against destructive Frankenstein-ian (hybrid) arrivals by accident within natural life. Every hybrid would have the potential to be at odds with naturality. More likely, this is "a wisdom" with high comprehension and with capacity meriting the I.D.No.9:the ultimate single digit indicating the fringe of natural developments. The actual "beast" is then only at Verse One of chapter 13 with its imbalance (13:3) and the fuel of a "dragon" in its veins. |
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