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Policy Reforms for SME development to be presented

The Colombo Declaration on Policy Reforms for SME Development" will be presented at the conclusion of the Regional convention on Policy Reforms for SME Development in SAARC countries on December 2 and 3 in Colombo incorporating the findings and recommendations of the convention proceedings.

It is organised by the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL), Small and Medium Enterprise Developers (SMED) together with Friedrich Stiftung in Sri Lanka and the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

The main objectives of the convention are exchange experiences on national policies and action programs for SME development in the region, provide an opportunity for constructive and critical examination of policies and strategies implemented by the member countries of SAARC and recommend appropriate policy reforms for further development of the SME sector in the SAARC countries, said President FCCISL Nawaz Rajabdeen.

He said that the SME sector has been identified as a very important sector for employment and income generation, poverty alleviation as well as overall income growth, specially in the developing countries.

Development and promotion of this vital sector can effectively contribute to the overall economic growth of the country and it is said that SMEs operating in many developing countries have not been able to achieve the expected growth due to lack of appropriate policies and strategies for the development and promotion of this sector.

A team of professionals selected from several recognised academic and research institutions in the SAARC countries will prepare papers on SME policy reforms in their respective countries and present the findings at the convention and include Dr Zaid Bakht, Research Director Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Bangladesh, Karma Galay, Senior Researcher Centre for Bhutan studies, Bhutan, Prof. G.K.Chadda, Former Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, Dr. Chiranjibi Nepal, Senior Lecturer Tribhuvan University Nepal, Prof. Khalid Aftab, Vice Chancellor GC University Pakistan, Prof. M.R. Narayana, Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India, Mohamed Shihab, Maldivian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Maldives, Prof. W.D. Lakshman, Prof. of Economics University of Colombo Sri Lanka and Dr. Sirimal Abeyratne, Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo Sri Lanka.

Academic support for the convention is provided by the Centre for Development Research, a private sector Research organisation.


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