Sunday Observer
Sunday, 30 October 2005  
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A bride between 25-30 with simple life style sought by G/B parents for eldest son B.Sc civil engineer, 37, 5'5", working in UK, non-smoker, teetotaller, substantial assets, income, wealth, education differences not important. Please reply with horoscope, family details. email: [email protected]

An educated well mannered good looking Catholic girl willing to live abroad is sought by a Sinhala Catholic mother for son 32 years Professional (Ph.D) in USA.

B/G professional parents from Colombo seek for their Doctor son (Royalist) 30 years 5 ft6. Handsome good natured registered to practise in the U.K. A pretty girl educated from similar background. Proposals from abroad most welcome. Please reply with details telephone number and horoscope.

B/K Colombo suburbs parents seek educated fair pretty tall bride for son 33 yrs 5'11" Australian Master Accounting P.R. holder employed Kuja 2nd house deta nekatha. Reply with family details and horoscope. email [email protected]

Respectable Moor parents seek an educated good looking partner for their 33 year old son who is employed in an European country, dowry immaterial. [email protected]

Respectable religious Moor parents from Colombo seek partner for their 31 year old son 5'4", handsome/younger looking established architect settled in the U.K. Prefer a pleasant professional or well educated, beautiful young lady below 28 years willing to migrate. e-mail [email protected]

Sinhala B/G brother seeks pretty educated partner willing to reside in US for good looking, athletic, well educated brother, BSME, MBA, he is 38, 5'9" and well established in the US. Please reply with recent picture, horoscope, & family details. Phone 94-11-2500887.

Sinhala Buddhist parents living in USA looking for an educated partner for son who turned 31 yrs. last August. He is 5'7" and has a degree in Business Administration with Information Technology and is employed in USA. He will be in Sri Lanka on a short visit in January, please write to [email protected]  with family details and education background.

Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia, seek pretty fair slim educated daughter with Sinhala Buddhist values for 27 year 5'10" handsome well established professional son. He and the parents will be in Sri Lanka on vacation in December. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email [email protected]

Sinhala Catholic parents inviting for their 25-year old 6-ft tall U.S. citizen son an English educated, slim and beautiful young lady for a short relationship leading to marriage. He has sober habits and is non-smoking and health-conscious. He is nearing graduation in Computer Engineering and looking forwad to a very bright career ahead. She must be of comparable age and hight and preferabley in Final Years of Medical or professional study. Caste, religion or wealth immaterial. But social and family values are important. Must be willing to reside in USA. If you are this prospective bride and life-partner for our son please email all information to: [email protected]



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