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'Mahinda Chinthanaya has got priorities right'

by Don Asoka Wijewardena

Susil Moonesinghe

Education has been prioritised in Mahinda Chinthanaya, with special emphasis on the values that have been forgotten, said former Chief Minister of Western Province, Ex-MP and former ambassador to Iran, Susil Moonesinghe in an interview with the Sunday Observer.

Excerpts of the Interview:

Q: As a former Chief Minister, MP and ambassador, how do you see the presidential election?

A: I see the presidential election as confrontation between two forces.On one side there are the power and might of mercantile and industrial ownership,together with the national division between the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim people.

This was evident in the way Arumugam Thondaman and Rauff Hakeem allied themselves with the TULF vassals of the Tigers. And also a segment of the Catholic and Christian followers who created a sense of impending religious domination of the Buddhists.

On the other side were the rural people imbibed with the heritage and culture of our country and socially, a politically socialist minded party together with a section of Buddhist clergy impressing upon the people the value of returning to power supporting. A man who could be looked upon as a fearless leader who could face upto a problem in this country without vacillation. And also the fact that President Mahinda Rajapakse is a man of high principles.

Q: What is the significant change the Mahinda Chinthanaya and the presentation of the Budget spelling out the proposals for the nation's economic, political, social and religious future?

A: We have now embarked on a new course of political,economic and social changes. Here I must say that in 1956 late S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike began the movement of national identity, religious freedom and social restructuring and that path has not principally changed.

It was a road that was constructed in 1956 to serve transport of limited weight size. The road has now to be widened and strengthened to take new loads. So it is that we have an enhanced vision of 1956 which in my mind has been changed to fit the times through Mahinda Chinthanaya.

Q: What do you think about the new leadership?

A: We have a new leadership that must recognise that there is a poverty of ability and knowledge to serve politically. Politicians are still following an unreformed agenda. Part of it is due to the fact that we followed almost a British system which was introduced by the departing Colonial powers. It is our heritage which allowed us to elect the first woman prime Minister of this world.

Q: What do you see in the Mahinda Chinthanaya as a step towards social reforms?

A: Already there is confrontation with indulging in alcohol and drugs the next would be confrontation with gambling and social clubs create a lumpen society in the Metropolitan areas.

The installing and instilling of discipline among the people - the active conduct of the police to overcome the underworld are also absolutely necessary. The introduction of new laws to deal with crime of our time is necessary. In fact there should be a recodification of our laws to be identified with our heritage. As a Sinhala Buddhist I would always want my children to live in amity and friendship with the Tamil and Muslim people.

I would also like them to understand and appreciate the culture of different ethnicities of being harmonious with their culture and traditions. Education has been prioritised in Mahinda Chinthanaya with special emphasis on the values that have been forgotten. Mahinda Chinthanaya is truly a great step forward for the country.

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