Sunday Observer
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Sunday, 1 January 2006    
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Flashback 2005

Year 2005 ended leaving behind sorrowful memories,jubilant feelings and also a lot of expectations. Let’s have a glance at a few such events as we bid adieu to 2005.

President Mahinda Rajapakse was sworn in as the 5th Executive president of Sri Lanka on November 19.

Nearly all the politicians headed by President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga participated in the Adishtana Pooja at Independence Square on January 1,2005, accepting the challenge of rebuilding Sri Lanka destroyed by tsunami.

Two national budgets
in one year


President Mahinda Rajapakse presenting his People oriented budget in parliament on December 8.

Remembering thousands of people killed in the December 2004 tsunami, President Mahinda Rajapakse participated in the main official remembrance ceremony at Jinarathana College in Peraliya on December 26.

Finance Minister Dr.Sarath Amunugama presenting the budget in Parliament on November 8.


President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga with Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse at the Development Forum 2005 held in Kandy from May 16 - 17.

The newly elected Diyawadana Nilame, Nilanga Dela Bandara assumed duties on July 17.

Former US president Bill Clinton visited Sri Lanka as a UN special envoy for tsunami reconstruction with George . Bush (snr.)
Late Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar with Indian High Commissioner Nirupama Rao at the launch of International Relations magazine at BCIS on August 12, few hours before his assassination Presidential candidate Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse signed the Mou with JVP for the presidential election on September 8 at Temple Trees.


Lt. General Sarath Fonseka assumed duties as the new Army Commander on december 07.


The nation bade farewell to Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar.The state funeral took place at the Independence Square on August 15.


Ven.Dambara Amila Thera on a death fast opposite Colombo Fort Railway Station in a campaign launched against P-TOMS All five accused in High Court Judge Sarath Ambepitiya murder case were sentenced to death on July 04
Sri Lanka’s doyen of dance Chithrasena passed away on July 18. Death of veteran dancer Panibharatha on September 20.

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