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Sunday, 19 February 2006 |
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Late wind-up dissin' the system - by rikki A year of dissin' this god forsaken system, celebrated with much funfare and trips to the moon last week left me feeling nostalgic for the old times when I did not pen my thoughts and observations, but rather, sarcasm dripping, dropped it in the middle of conversations of acquaintances and strangers alike.
Nevertheless after much debate with myself, an editor who did not stop breathing down my neck ever since the suggestion reached her ears and a number of people whom i know threatening to beat me in to pulp for more paper manufacturing, i decided to continue to dis our much detested system. (at least till I run out of caffeine, that is.) We celebrated independence day two weeks ago with utter and complete boredom, what with nothing on tv but kids and grown-ups alike who simply could not stand straight and march right, even after causing utter chaos on the roads for a week non-stop with alleged rehearsals taking place. At least for all the hours we spent in a bus or other vehicle, trying to drive a distance of a kilometre, or the braver ones who decided to walk the distance striving hard not to die of a heat stroke or complete dehydration. I mean you would think that for ruining our lives for five work-days and them getting to miss school and camp, they'd at least put on a decent show of a squad. But no, instead they take over Saturday late morning tv and walk like they were a bunch of stoned zombies. Then of course, last Tuesday, there was valentine's day. Yes, how very, very 'not' touching. I almost started my own card and flower business, small scale, sole-proprietor thingy, of course. The way I figured: I go to the graveyards in the morning, collect those nice flowers that are left there for the picking, wrap em' up in a bit of newspaper -eco friendly concept- and put my pen to good use with a few words on little pieces of card board. I'd have made a grand amount of money, only I just didn't feel like getting involved in such a stupid celebration. Why would anyone want to celebrate the fact that not only have they lost their identities, independence and mind to someone else? Is total deprivation of the good things in life, the total loss of one self, a cause for celebration? No wonder this world is at the brink of destruction. And how did this mess all start in the first place? Some guy in jail signed a letter with his name before he got killed. Or a guy who is partially responsible for the population increase, began giving people in marriage so that they could begin procreating. Or unmarried persons of certain regions played juvenile love games and participated in dances where they could get a little naughty, just because the animals in the woods had started getting it on. And then everyone from clothing stores to the flowers and cards people, the jewellery, watch, lingerie, chocolate guys, hoteliers, the transport industry and mobile phone industry and so much more, jumps the valentine commercialisation bandwagon. The number of things that are advertised as being seriously linked to valentine's day is almost as much as the number of products advertised with the help of a member/members of the female species in it. I mean, wow! that's big! Think about it people, even if you have fallen totally and completely in love with someone and was unfortunate enough to not to have been able to get out with your bags packed soon enough, does it necessarily mean that it must be celebrated on a single day of the year, emptying your bank balance for mere nothings when that cash could have been put to better use in continuing with your relationship? Does valentine's day mean that the better the present, the greater the love? Think about it. If it was the value of the wedding ring that the groom puts on the finger of his wife that matters, rather than the love they share between them, they why is it that so many of the most expensive rings have been thrown away in turmoil, while those with no ring but a simple piece of paper to prove their marriage are so much happier, still so much in love. While I do believe that love is unfortunate, nevertheless i do not believe that the experience is an annual event like the independence day. If it for real, then it is forever and no chocolate, lingerie or hotel
could ever matter to it. It is a continuous celebration of incredible ups
and abyssmal downs. I'll stick to the in-between region, thank you. |
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