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Sunday, 02 April 2006    
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Rs. 42 million BOI project to grow ornamental plants for cut leaf exports

by Surekha Galagoda

Leaf Company (Pvt) Ltd, a BOI approved project will invest Rs 42 million to grow ornamental plants for cut leaf exports to Holland and other countries. The project will provide employment to over 250 people directly while many more will be employed indirectly.

It is yet another approved venture under the "Nipayum Sri Lanka"300 Enterprises Program, and will be based at Bangadeniya in the Pallama Divisional Secretariat division.

According to sources, the company will grow plants for production of cut leaves and stadium-growing bulbs for Cocurba and seed growing for Asparagus type plants mainly for export to Holland.

Well-known indigenous types and a few new types that the company wants to introduce to Sri Lanka including Fatsia and those from South Africa such as Proteae will be grown. The other types include Phoenix Roebellinie, Cycas Revaluta, Cordyline types, Zamia cultus, Aspidistra Milkyway and Aspidistra green.

The project is expected to commence with 100 acres for planting and 12.5 acres for shade hall. The first stage will be planted with eight acres of Phoenix and two acres of Aspidistra. The remaining area will be planted with Zamio Cultas Fatsia, Cordyline and Asplenium types.

As an addition to the project, 50 cows will be purchased to collect manure and produce milk. Thirty cows will be purchased from the neighbouring villages and 20 mixed Persian cows will be sourced from the breeding station of the government. A stable for 130 cows will be built for future expansion as well.

Stage 2 of the project will be launched after one year. It will consist of two shade halls of 12.5 acres each which will be planted with Aspidistra and Cane Palm.

The total labour requirement for the project will be mainly sourced from the neighbouring areas and the project will provide direct employment to a workforce of 250, of which 70% will be females. In addition indirect employment opportunities will also be available during land development, maintenance and harvesting periods.

The 300 Factories program under the "Mahinda Chinthana" was launched by the BOI to mobilise investment into rural areas. This in turn is expected to generate employment, revenue and boost growth and act as a catalyst for economic development.

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