


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The above road which joins the Negombo Road close to Mahabage Junction (Mattumagala), is a link between Hendala and the Negombo Road (Mattumagala). It is also a bus route between Hendala (Wattala) and Ragama and serves as the access to the Shell Gas storage tanks at Kerawalapitiya, Hendala.

This is a wide road and the tarred surface was broken up due to the laying of main water pipes last year, but afterwards it was not repaired. The broken tarred surface has now become a muddy surface with deep pot-holes due to heavy vehicles that ply on the road, such as trailers transporting containers, lorries, bowsers (oil tankers), buses, etc.

This damaged stretch is about one to two kilo-metres of road from the Negombo Road end. When it rains, the road is impassable for small vehicles and for those who walk to the Negombo Road to go to work and travel to schools.

There are notice boards fixed by the Road Development Authority on both ends of the road that read 'Development work is in progress,' but no repairs have been effected up to date. The attention of the Provincial Road Development Authority is therefore drawn, to immediately attend to this matter before the rainy season commences, as it is causing a lot of hardship to motorists and residents who use this road.

Presenting - the 'international community'

The term "international community" is presently bandied about by a few powers mainly the US, Britain, Germany, France and now Norway to impose upon the other nations their will and policies.

Their will and policies are guided by their own selfish interests, whether it be conflict resolution, nuclear power, trade, human-rights issues or even war the term "international community" is used to give the impression that all other nations support their views and policies.

The present on going nuclear stand-off between the US and Iran is a good example where the term international community is bandied to implement the views of the US and its allies. It is only the US that is concerned with Iran proceeding with its programme to enrich uranium for peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The US has got hold of Britain, Germany and France to lead the bogey against Iran claiming that Iran is going to produce nuclear weapons and has started a psychological war against Iran. In addition the US has pressurised a few other countries like Japan and India to support its claims against Iran.

However the majority of nations in the world care less whether Iran is going nuclear or not. So, the claim that the international community is opposed to Iran's nuclear programme is an absolute canard.

Even in our (ethnic) conflict at home, when the Sri Lanka Government takes legitimate steps against the LTTE, like going on the offensive, the Co-Chairs who are but just a handful, issue statements claiming that the "international community" object to such actions even though in self defence and that these actions would endanger the peace process. These statements are made with the threat of aid-cuts.

More is the deafening noise made by the NGOs funded by western countries who shout at the top of their voices that the "international community" wants the Government to halt action against the LTTE and not endanger the peace-process.

What the western governments want is a weak government in southern Sri Lanka, so that they could have their own way in Sri Lanka by extending their neo-colonial agenda. Norway has also an eye for the fish products in the seas of eastern Sri Lanka and off-shore oil stretching from the coastal area of Mannar to the waters in the Eastern Province. Norway and the western powered behind Norway are subtly using the LTTE to extract as many concessions from the Government of Sri Lanka.

Their sinister attempts are masked by claiming that the "international community" is demanding action against the Sri Lanka Government. The Oslo Peace Accord that Norway brokered was a failure because it was weighed in favour of Israel on the covert instructions of the western powers.

The whole exercise of Norway in Sri Lanka is a deception and a fraud. The powerful western mass-media propagates the policies and agenda of a handful of countries as if all the nations of the world unanimously support them, despite all these machinations it is regretted that the Government of Sri Lanka should still cling to the western countries for support in their conflict with the LTTE.

It is high time that the Sri Lankan Government takes a courageous decision to not depend on western governments including Japan which is influenced by the west and open closer links with China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran to suppress the terrorist Tiger Movement.

A few roguish states flexing their over-inflated military and economic muscles to silence the free-world and then manipulating the United Nations in pursuit of their selfish goals cannot be considered the "international community".

The international community is made up of the world's free people, who support the liberation of Palestine in all its entirely, who back Iraq's elected government to form the national cabinet without any meddling by its occupiers, who defend the struggle of the Afghans to throw off foreign yoke, who align themselves with the enslaved American masses groaning under the injustice of pro-Zionist US administrations, and who stand beside the Islamic Republic of Iran in its pursuit of its legitimate right to master the nuclear fuel cycle.

It must be noted that the true international community of freedom loving people world wide including the Tamil diaspora are fed-up with the LTTE and their wicked and cruel actions.

It is the western governments despite naming them terrorists who continue to support them covertly and overtly.

There is no option but to stop depending on the west. If we move towards India, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and China Sri Lanka will gain true independence and sovereignty. Sri Lanka will also gain from the fall out of the economic boom in China and India, increase trade with Pakistan and Bangladesh and a safe continuous and steady supply of oil from Iran on credit-terms. It is not too late for President Mahinda Rajapaksa to make these courageous move and alleviate the suffering masses from the clutches of the "international community" in strife-torn Sri Lanka.

Caught, but not out

There was frustration among many Sri Lankan fans who watched the final day of the first Test match, played between Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

One umpire was not fit to officiate in this crucial match. A glaring catch given by Pakistani batsman Malik, was not ruled out by this particular umpire. The TV replays clearly showed that the ball touched the bat that Malik was holding, before the fielder caught the ball. This umpire ruled Malik as 'not out', deliberately or due to an impaired eye-sight or hearing.

If these were the case, such umpires should not be selected for an important match as this. If Malik was correctly given out, there was a possibility for Sri Lanka to have won this Test match. This same umpire also disallowed an LBW, which the TV replay showed.

I am sure, many Sri Lankans and other law-abiding Pakistanis who watched this match at the grounds and on TV, would have got thoroughly disappointed and annoyed for the conduct of this umpire.

The I. C. C. should look into these serious lapses by this umpire.

Increase their pin padi

On behalf of the recipients of 'pin padi' I extend this invitation to the Minister of Social Services, Minister of Samurdhi, Members of Parliament and to the Members of the Pradeshiya Sabas. Please visit any Post Office or Sub Post Office in your area on the 6th of any month other than a Sunday or public holiday.

See for, yourself the plight of the poorest of the poor in our 'thrice blessed land'. Rain or shine they come to the Post Office to collect their 'pin padi' What is this 'PP'? A paltry Rs. 250/- for the lucky ones, many get less than this. You will meet many who are physically handicapped, visually handicapped, and the aged.

Some come carrying their catheter bags, and wait in long queues to get this money. In this country where organised Trade Unions ask for salary increases for their members, there is no one to 'strike' on behalf of these poor people. My humble request is that this allowance be increased, and other constructive action taken to help these people out of this poverty bind.

Help the handicapped (differently abled) to develop their potential and become an asset to themselves and the country. Help the aged to find clean and caring shelter. The respective officers in your departments should create programmes to uplift these 'pin padi' recipients.


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