UNP: To reform or not
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Struggle for reforms in the UNP is still continuing and reformists vow
to campaign within the party to win their demands. UNP leader Ranil
Wickremesinghe is trying his best to dilute reforms as original reforms
have clipped his wings in the Working Committee. Here Tissa Attanayake
and S. B. Dissanayake from the two factions speak, on the crisis.
Q: What is the actual problem in the UNP?

Tissa Attanayake

S. B. Dissanayake
T.A: Two groups are having discussion on introducing party
reforms. S.B and Karu led group came to an agreement on reforms on
November 8 at the Working Committee. Now it is a matter of implementing
those reforms. The UNP Annual General Meeting approved the reforms and
in 100 days it will be implemented after passing it again at a Special
S.B: Agitation for reforms in the party started since the
defeat of Presidential election in 1999. We have lost 14 elections so
far. Late Gamini Athukorala together with Ravi, Rajitha, Rukman and many
others stressed on reforms. Rukman took the signatures of 29 MPs urging
the leadership to introduce reforms though now Rukman camped with Ranil.
However reforms were dragging since 1999 on different excuses to todate.
Q: Can you tell me whether the actual reason behind the crisis is
due to the leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe or not?
T.A: Even the reformist group leaders S.B and Karu told the
media that they don't intend to change the leader. What they want is
reforms in the party. At an election victory everyone shares it. But it
is wrong to put the blame on the leader on election defeats. Some of the
reformists who are insisting on sweeping changes in the party lost their
electorates at the last Presidential election.
S.B: With the defeat at the last Presidential election, Ranil
wanted to resign from the leadership. But parachutes around him changed
his mind. The actual reason for the crisis in the UNP is the 'friends'
of Ranil who have been elevated to influential positions. There are no
capable men. All are appointed by the leader. They are useless persons
in the Working Committee who do not have grass root level support.
Q: The UNP has become a Wickremesinghe and Company today. Your
leader's friends and family members are running the party. How do you
say it is wrong?
T.A: Every leader has to think that his party is his own
property. Otherwise, he will not deliver goods. That is how J.R.J,
Bandaranaike, Rohana Wijeweera worked. They picked the most capable
people to assist them. Our working Committee is represented by various
persons from different organisations like Trade Unions, Fishing and
Agricultural organisations, intellectuals,etc. There is no rule in any
party to select the leader from the vote and that the leader should take
decisions asking others.
S.B.: It is like a small club. Former Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Vice Chairman on legal affairs, etc.. are the ones who
scuttled the reforms for their own survival. They are close friends of
Ranil. They cannot thrive in the party with reforms as they don't have
people's power. Actually Ranil wanted to go ahead with reforms but this
'bunch' of people did not allow him.
Q: Provisions in your party Constitution in relation to the
removal and appointment of a leader had been diluted after 1995. Your
leader today behaves like a dictator and if he has deprived internal
democracy in the party, can the people expect him to be a democratic
leader to rule the country?
T.A: Can you show me any other party which has internal
democracy. JVP leader Somawansa is the leader todate. Now Mahinda
Rajapaksa has taken up the leadership in the SLFP. Why are you only
talking about internal party democracy in the UNP alone?. If any party
wants to select the leader democratically every year, it can split into
many groups. Reformist now accept the leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe.
S.B: I don't know how the provisions on appointment and
removal of the UNP leader has been changed. Ranil wanted to bring
sweeping changes. But party officials stopped him.
Q: The UNP lost 14 elections since 1994. Ranil lost the last
Presidential election and could not capitalise on the Tsunami
devastation. Tsunami victims while living in huts voted for SLFP
candidate Mahinda Rajapaksa. So can you market Wickremesinghe any more
at future elections?
T.A: Recently S.B gave a very good answer to your question at
a press interview. Just because Ranil is not smiling, and not too close
to people, Ranil should not be compared with other leaders. S.B said
that Ranil is the only leader who can resurrect the country from the
present status if he has a very good team around him. I think that
answer is enough for your question. However, we lost about 50 UNP
leaders from the Thotalaga bomb. We mustered maximum votes at the last
Presidential election.
S.B: Leaders in political parties in US,UK and many other
countries resigned after election defeats. But we don't have that
culture here. It is true that there are difficulties to market Ranil who
lost 14 elections but still we can do it. JR was not as close as Ranil
to people but JR had a very good team around him like Premadasa, Gamini,
Lalith, Hameed, Mohamed, Cyril Mathew, Jayasuriya and so on. Ranil does
not have such a team around him. That is the whole problem. Actually
they are responsible for Ranil's defeat. But if Ranil appoints capable
men to the Working Committee, it is he who will benefit and he can win
any election.
Q: But your leader deliberately avoided bringing the original
draft of the reforms agreed upon at the Working Committee to the AGM,
what have you got to say?
T.A: It is wrong to interpret it that way. We came to an
agreement at the Working Committee on certain reforms and presented
those reforms to the AGM after taking legal advice. Then the membership
passed it. There were only two minor changes on legal advice. It will be
passed and ratified at a special AGM in 100 days. So it is unwise to
fight on silly issues at this juncture.
S.B: After the Working Committee finalised the reforms, how
can a lawyer amend the Working Committee decision? The lawyer has
removed the two vital proposals such as -Working Committee to make all
the appointments and appointment of Trade Union members, Artists,
Students, etc. So now it is useless to accept these amended proposals.
We are insisting on the original amendments.
Q: Why are the UNP seniors sidelined and key posts in the party
given to the leader's favourites?
T.A: There is no truth in that. There is only one leader in
the party, that is Ranil. Party Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are
just administrative posts. But Senior Vice Chairman posts have been
given to the most senior members Alick Aluvihare, Dharmadasa Banda and
M.H.Mohamed. They can work for the country from these posts. Every party
needs the support of young blood to push the party forward with the
advice of seniors. I rose to this position after being a MP for 18
S.B: Alick Aluvihare, Dharmadasa Banda, M.H.Mohamed, Dayaratne
and Gamini Lokuge were given positions after the agitation started.
Giving positions for senior members is a good decision.
Q: Actually why are the seniors who are mostly members of the
reformist group today are agitating? Is it mainly to get positions in
the party?
T.A: There can be many motives but I don't like to make any
comment. Because it could hinder the on going talks with them to bring
about unity in the party.
S.B: We don't have any individual motives. What we want is to
bring the UNP to power after experiencing 14 elections defeats. We want
to introduce a system in the party to give positions according to the
capabilities of individuals. But not for people who come last in the
election list and lose their electorate or not for boot lickers.
Q: Reformist are scared that again the agreed reforms will be
diluted and presented to the next special AGM because your leader is
capable of such tricks. What is your comments?
T.A: The Working Committee again met last week and passed the
reforms again. We are planing to bring a single document containing all
the necessary reforms to push the party for a victory.
S.B: We reiterated again at the Working Committee meeting held
a few days ago that there is nothing to further discuss on the agreed
original Working Committee decisions on reforms. If they don't agree
with us we will start a campaign in the party to muster the support of
Q: Can you tell me whether the original reform proposals have been
diluted after it has been amended on legal advice?
T.A: Some minor changes were done according to legal advice.
If reformists think of the betterment of the party, we must shed our
differences before party members divide into two camps.
S.B: Yes, we will not agree with amended proposals. What we
want is to implement the original proposals. Otherwise, we cannot reform
the party.
Q: Karu Jayasuriya and S.B.Dissanayake are two influential figures
in the party. But they have been stripped of their posts as they
boycotted the recently held AGM. Will they be reappointed to their posts
T.A: Discussions are going on reforms. After reaching an
agreement, they will be given their posts. We can not lead this party by
sidelining members. We need the support of everyone. They will be given
posts according to their abilities and capabilities. We can appoint Karu
as our Deputy Leader and get it approved at the next AGM. S.B's posts
does not require approval at the AGM. It was approved by the Working
Committee in the UNP. It is similar to my previous posts.
S.B: My National Organiser post is still there according to
Tissa Attanayake because it does not require the approval of the AGM.
Since others Karu Jayasuriya, M.H.Mohamed, Dharmadasa Banda, P.Dayaratne
boycotted the AGM, they lost their posts. But if we can come to a
settlement it is not a problem to reappoint them again.
Q: Will the party take disciplinary action against reformists if
they continue to agitate against Wickremesinghe's leadership?
T.A:It should be decided by the Working Committee. We have not
yet decided to take disciplinary action. It is alright to make any
statement in party at various meetings. They should avoid making public
statements because it will bring the party into disrepute.
S.B: They cannot just sack us. 18 MPs came forward openly and
25 other MPs are backing us. They will come out at the correct juncture.
I don't mind if they sack me from the Working Committee. UNPers know the
sacrifice I made to bring the UNP to power in 2001. Of the 4.7 million
UNP supporters at least 4.5 will agree to my quest for reforms. I am a
grass root man and I don't want any post in the party because I live in
the hearts of 4.5 million UNPers. I went to jail because of the speech I
made at the meeting held to elect our Presidential candidate and not due
to my Habaraduwa speech. |