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Umara wins at Shanghai Music Festival

"Music has always been in the house," says Umara of her exposure to the world of music. "Both my parents are musicians (the duo Tony and Ayesha) and I grew up listening to every kind of music: classical, soul, jazz, blues, country, pop, hip hop, rub..."

Umara Sinhawansa is a local singing sensation who won the Bronze at the recently concluded Shanghai Music Festival. "It's a really tough competition. All the other contestants were professionals with a lot of experience in the field.

The girl who won first place had 15 years of professional experience in the Philippines. There was the third place winner of Eurovision. They were all stars in their own countries with songs in the charts."

As for being the 19-year-old Sri Lankan to bring an award home, she remarks, "During rehearsals, listening to the others, I was like oh my God! I wanted to bring something home badly, not the Bronze though. It was all in Chinese and when they called my number I had no idea what it was for..."

The Shanghai Music Festival is open to those between the ages of 17 and 35. Applicants are run through a panel of judges to be chosen to participate in the competition.

Umara performed two songs, "Facts and Fantasies" - a song written by her father dedicated to the tsunami victims as her original and Kelly Clarkson's 'Because of You' as her cover song.

The Festival was nevertheless not her first forcus into international vocal competitions, in September, Umara took part in 'Astana 2006' in Kazakhstan.

Umara performing “Facts and fanta”

The competition saw her performance of a composition by Bathiya (of B&S) winning the award for both The Most Requested Song on Radio Kazakh and Most Votes for Best Vocals (text messages and radio votes) "It was a really good experience, very different.

I learnt a lot about various cultures and backgrounds" she claims not have been nervous though except for being worried about her ankle she injured two days before the competition.

Umara who "always wanted to sing" considers herself a serious and committed musician who "practises all the time". I need to be told to keep quiet.

"The youngster who has been singing since the age of two according to her mother. "eventhough I couldn't really form words" - is currently working on an album of which she has completed recording five tracks.

"I always wanted to record an album, but I only started working seriously towards it after the competitions. The music will be all originals written by myself and others in hip hop, rub..."

Umara finds herself inspired by both her musician parents and Whitney Housten. "I respect her (Whitney) as a musician. She has contributed a lot and it is a pity that she doesn't, sing anymore." Other than listening to music twenty four hours of the day, Umara also likes painting and fashion designing, though music will always to her first priority.

The highly talented adolescent describes herself as "friendly, faithful and jovial "I'm also very clumsy," she chukkles. She-further believes in "grabbing every moment and being positive no matter what happens".

As for her future goals. Umara believes that she has a lot to learn and experience," Her strength has always been "the support of my parents and my family. With their support, I know I will get somewhere in the music field."


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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