India campaign for murdered Delhi model
by Geeta Pandey

Sharma is the son of a prominent Indian politician

Eyewitnesses said Ms Lal was shot for refusing to serve a drink
This story has all the elements of a Bollywood film. An attractive
model, Jessica Lal, is shot dead at a fashionable restaurant while she
is tending the bar. The guest list is a who's who of the modelling and
fashion world - struggling actors, politicians and even a senior
Several eyewitnesses come forward at the time to allege that the
fatal trigger was pulled by Manu Sharma - the son of a Congress Party
politician from the state of Haryana - when Jessica refused to serve him
a drink. During the seven years that India's snail-paced judicial system
took to deliver a ruling in the case, almost all the witnesses turned
hostile, resulting in the acquittal of all the nine accused, including
Manu Sharma, a fortnight ago.
Not unusual, considering the rate of conviction in present day India
is less than 30%. But what is unusual is the public outrage that has
followed the acquittals.
In an unprecedented show of solidarity for the family of Jessica Lal,
candlelight vigils are held at the spot of the crime. Concerned citizens
hold protest rallies. University students begin a mobile text messaging
campaign asking their peers to forward the message to at least 10 more
And, the media begins a sustained campaign to demand justice for
'Miscarriage of justice' One television channel has collected more
than 200,000 messages and petitions asking the president of India to
intervene in the matter. Says Delhi-based advertising executive Suhel
Seth: "What we are seeing here is the middle class anger asserting
itself. People feel the system has let them down and they are now
beginning to question it."
Such has been the media attention to the details of the case that
even President George Bush's trip and the India-US nuclear deal couldn't
push Jessica off the front pages. Miles of column inches and hours of
air time were devoted to what the media dubbed a "miscarriage of
justice". "I feel very heartened. It's an amazing feeling," says an
overwhelmed Sabrina Lal, Jessica's sister.
"I was so disheartened by the court order. The fight had gone out of
me. But the response from the media and the people has been tremendous.
"People I didn't know or who didn't even know Jessica, are telling me
they are right behind me.
That gives me the strength to carry on." Many analysts have been
trying to explain this unprecedented and extraordinary show of public
outrage by normally uncaring Delhi-ites. 'Proactive' Navin Surapaneni,
director of the Delhi-based Centre for Media Studies, says: "The media
needs a face.
And a context to push the story. Jessica was a model, in the capital
city of Delhi, and that is why it is easy to build a campaign around
He says if the victim had been someone from rural India, an ordinary
person, the media would not have taken it up. Whatever the reason, the
case may prove to be a catalyst needed for reforming India's archaic
criminal laws.
The former chief justice of India, VN Khare, says: "Our criminal code
was drafted by the British in the 1860s. The social situation at that
time was very different from the present time.
"At that time, a criminal or an accused could not run away except on
a horse cart or a bullock cart, but now it is a different world. And our
laws are not in conformity with the present reality." Justice Khare says
the Jessica trial should have been an "open-and-shut" case.
"There were dozens of eyewitnesses. One of the witnesses, actor
Shayan Munshi, initially said he recognised the killer by face, he even
narrated his age and height and could even describe the clothes he was
wearing. "But later in the court, he said he had not witnessed the
killing! It was a failure on the part of the investigation and the
prosecution," he fumes. Justice Khare says the judges also have to be
more proactive.
"Sometimes when the police, the prosecution and the lawyers all have
connections with the criminals, the judge should be slightly proactive.
He should try to get to the truth, and not depend totally on the
evidence provided in court. "In a case like this, he is not going to get
proper evidence.
Mostly the judiciary is depended on the evidence provided by the
investigative agencies, but now when the situation is so bad, the judges
have to wake up, be proactive and find the truth." Media pressure Amidst
allegations of connivance between the prosecution agencies and the
accused, the Delhi police commissioner, KK Paul, on Monday announced the
setting up of a special team to look into the way the investigation had
been carried out.
Admitting that there were loopholes in the investigation, Mr Paul
said a fresh case has been filed to probe if there has been any
conspiracy or tampering of evidence. Mr Surapaneni says the police were
compelled to act because the media and public opinion forced their hand.
The Jessica case has exposed the weaknesses of the system, he says.
"But now the media needs to keep up this pressure on the authorities to
ensure that policy changes happen." Unless that happens, he cautions,
justice will continue to be a casualty.
"Witnesses can still turn hostile. Another officer can botch up the
investigation, he is not holier in any way.
Jessica's story will continue to move people for two to three months,
but then the public memory will fade. Then, there will be another
Jessica." Have you taken part in the campaign? Some Delhites believe
there is a difference in justice depending on the wealth of the
defendant. Do you agree? Read a selection of your comments below.
Justice delayed is justice denied. This proves again there will be
more chances for denial of justice for ordinary people.
Prasanth Menon, London, UK I am an Indian living in London currently.
When Jessica Lal was murdered, I was at university in Delhi. I don't
find it surprising. Without making a generalisation I would say that
sadly, this is how things work in my home country and in most developing
countries where the moneyed class has loads of power and connections.
Asra Fareed, London, UK I am glad to see that the middle class
population is now waking up in India and ready to fight against upper
class people who are misusing their powers.
Neetu K, New York I think this is the tipping point. The 'don't care'
attitude of the Delhi residents is finally changing, the tide is
turning. And thanks to the recent Bollywood blockbuster 'Rang De Basanti'
which seems to inspire this outburst, the voice of the people is being
heard on the streets.
Punit Modhgil, Maida Vale, London, UK This case proves that Law are
different for different people. This case is assuming over exploitation
by media about female vulnerablity. This is just India where laws
against Dowry, Domestic Violence, Child slavery and murder by abortions
are norm. Let there be more awareness of how middle class are hijacking
the country.
Rajesh Bhagat, UK What has happened is not surprising at all. In
India, justice in bed with the rich. I once had an accident, I paid 500
Rupis. to the cop to get a report so that insurance company could pay
Harsh Nahar, Houston, Texas What we are seeing here is what we've
been witnessing for decades. Until we get rid of rich people, poor
people and strong people, weak people mentality, we are never going to
make any progress on situations like this. When the entire system is
corrupt, not only unknown people but popular figure like Ms. Lal are
going to suffer.
Manish, Georgia, USA I guess the hue and cry is being raised because
Ms Lal is a beauty queen and a socialite. I remember there was a hit and
run case in which the son of a powerful business man was accused.
Nothing happened to him, because the victims were poor.
Courtesy: BBC News