The day Jesus was born
Christmas is a word that most of you must be familiar with by now,
but not everyone of you will be aware of the story behind Christmas...
Christmas is not just a day to indulge in revelry even though,
unfortunately, in today's world, this is exactly what happens in most
instances. Christmas is indeed a day to celebrate because it
commemorates an event of great religious significance. It is the day
Catholics and Christians the world around commemorate the birth of Jesus
Christ that took place over 2,000 years ago.
The story surrounding this significant event is recorded in the
Bible, in the books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, which are known as
the Gospels.
As Christmas is a time loved by most children, even though they may
not be aware of its religious significance, let's find out the events
surrounding the birth of Jesus, which took place in Bethlehem, in the
ancient land of Arabia.
The mother of Jesus, Mary was a teenaged girl bethrowed to a man
named Joseph. One day an angel named Gabriel appeared to her with a
message from God whom the people believed created them.
She was told that she would give birth to a son, and Mary though
utterly confused about all this did not hesitate to obey God. So, she
and Joseph heeded God's request and prepared to become the parents of
this child.
It was during this time that the great Emperor of Rome Augustus
Caesar ordered the people of the land to get back to their birthplaces
to register themselves. He wanted to take a census (a count) of the
people of Israel.
Everyone was rushing back home and the roads and towns were teeming
with people. Among this multitude of people were Joseph and his young
pregnant wife Mary travelling back to Bethlehem on a donkey which was
the popular mode of transport then.
The journey was long and tedious and it was time for Mary to give
birth to her baby, by the time they reached the town of Bethlehem.
Joseph looked everywhere for a place where Mary could rest comfortably.
But, every inn (hotel) was full and no one was willing to give them
Finally they were offered a place, a stable where sheep and cattle
were kept, by an innkeeper who took pity on them. As beggars can't be
choosers, and they both needed a warm place to spend the night on that
cold, chilly night, they readily accepted the offer and settled for the
night in the stable.
It was on that very night that baby Jesus was born in this humble
stable among the animals.
The Bible records that a bright star appeared in the night sky at his
birth and the poor shepherds who saw it followed it to the stable after
they heard a host of angels sing "Praise to God in the Highest and Peace
to men of goodwill" and were instructed to go to the stable.
They saw baby Jesus lying in a manger (a cattle trough) with Mary and
Joseph beside Him in the stable. The poor shepherds instantly knew that
this was the much awaited saviour of mankind, God had promised to send,
fulfilling the scriptures.
They fell down on their knees and worshipped the infant. As Jesus was
born to make peace between God and man and help all mankind to repent
and reform their sinful lifestyles, Jesus is known as the Prince of
At the same time as the shepherds, three wise men known as the 'Magi'
from three different countries had also noticed the extra ordinarily
bright star in the sky.
They were learned men who studied the stars and they came to the
conclusion that a very powerful king had
been born in Bethlehem. So they travelled to the palace to see the new born king. But to their surprise,
there was no new born babe in the palace. However, an angel of God,
directed them to the birth place of the infant Jesus. They worshipped
Him and offered baby Jesus gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense.
This then is the story of Christmas, the Nativity, as it is called
today. The fact that Jesus was born in a manger in a stable, and the
first visitors were none other than poor shepherds has great
significance. It emphasises the value of humility and is a good lesson
for all of us who have lost sight of it today.
There are many lessons to be learnt from the events surrounding the
birth of Jesus. Right at the beginning we are exposed to the exemplary
sense of obedience shown by a teenaged girl to the God she believes in,
along with her devoted husband Joseph. Then we are made to realise that
status in life is not all that matters, by the humble manner in which
Jesus was born.
And then finally we are made to understand that the message of peace
and goodwill was not limited to the rich, but was meant for all mankind. |