Peace concert to celebrate International Volunteers Day
Volunteer for peace towards achieving millennium
development goals
by Ranga Chandrarathne
Lit with a multitude of colours and hues, an otherwise dull
Sugathadasa stadium looked very much alive as the United Nations
Volunteers 'UNV' in Sri Lanka celebrated International Volunteers Day.
The peace concert held under the banner of Volunteer for Peace
achieving Millennium Development Goalso embodied growing
voluntarism in Sri Lanka and in the need to promote peace and ethnic
harmony in order to achieve millennium development goals on an equitable
In addition, to providing employment opportunities for youth in Sri
Lanka, The UNV Programme in Sri Lanka promotes inter-cultural
understanding, sustainable human resource development and poverty
reduction in a true spirit of voluntarism. The celebration marked by the
presence of the international community in Sri Lanka and their efforts
to achieve peace through promoting inter- cultural understanding,
sharing of knowledge on a common platform with the spirit of
Established in 1975, under the UNV Programme, altogether 96
volunteers representing 18 nationals are working in almost six
provinces. These volunteers assist UN Agencies, the Government of Sri
Lanka Institutions, non-governmental organisations and community based
organisations. They support the work of UNHCR, UNICEF, UNDP, WFP,
UNhabitat, and United Nations Office for Drug Control (UNODC) and a host
of UN Agencies in Sri Lanka.
Another significant aspect of the programme was the inspiring message
by the former Secretary General of the United Nation Kofi Annan in which
he enunciated the need for voluntarism to address the gigantic
challenges the world as a whole, faces and to make poverty, history, end
hunger and to bring about development for all peoples.
Among the notable remarks that were made at the function, the US
Ambassador in Sri Lanka, made and important presentation in which he
stressed two aspects; that much of the present development in the United
States of America was due to voluntarism at an early stage of
Independence and the spirit of voluntarism which was eloquently
articulated by the legendary President John F. Kennedy when he said,
"Ask not what the country can do to you, but what you can do for your
The Ambassador requested the Sri Lankan youth to question themselves
as to how they can make a difference to the country.

The Minister of Sports, Jeevan Kumaratunga said that the celebration
coincided with the 50th Anniversary of the Edinburgh International Youth
Awards. The peace concert reflects on voluntarism and the untiring
efforts of Sri Lankan volunteers.
The National Youth Awards Authority in collaboration of UNV had
successfully concluded two international youth camps to celebrate
International Volunteers Day. The concert ended with a note endorsing
peace and harmony within a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and
multi-cultural atmosphere. |