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Government Gazette

GCE A/L English Literature - Made Easy - Drama :

The Merchant of Venice - by William Shakespeare

Act 3 scene 2

Belmont - Portia is anxious to delay Bassanio's choice for she's already in love with him and fears the "out

come". But Bassanio is anxious to try his luck. Portia tells her servants that Bassanio's choice is a special one and she orders them to setup the music.

"Tell me where is fancy bred

or in the heart or in the head?

How begot how nourished?

Reply, reply......"

The words in the song seem to alert him and he refrains from judging by external appearance. Hence Bassanio rejects the golden casket and the silver casket with the outward show and goes for the lead casket, which is the least attractive.

Portia watches Bassanio opening the lead casket sees a picture of Portia in it and with it a scroll

Act 3 scene 2 contd:

"Turn you where your lady is

And claim her with a loving kiss"

Bassanio hastens to do so and Portia presents him a ring "the symbol of their union" which he should not "part from, lose or give away" Bassanio promises to wear it as long as he lives. Nerissa and Gratiano having congratulated the Lovers, unfold their own engagement and ask for permission to get married.

Then Portia agrees to a "Double Wedding". Salario comes on the scene with a letter from Antonio, which contains bad news. Bassanio confesses his debts and how Antoni is in debt to a dangerous enemy.

Antonio's ships have not returned. Even if Antonio had the money, Shylock would not accept. He's adamant that he gets the payment of the penalty "to have Antonio's flesh". Portia comes to know the exact position of Bassanio's friend, Antonio who is in trouble, agrees to pay any amount to save Antonio.

First Portia and Bassanio should get married and then go to "Antonio's aid" She and Nerissa "will live as maids" "O,love dispatch all business and be gone" Bassanio leaves for Venice. Shylock is determined to get the bond.


The 'CASKET STORY' is brought to its climax in this scene. Portia requesting Bassanio to make a wise choice "for in choosing wrong I lose company". Her gracious manner of speaking and the charm of her speech

 reveals her love for Bassanio.

The "WITTY WORD PLAY" of Portia delays Bassanio's choice of the caskets. Portia's intelligence is displayed in this scene. Portia's words "I stand for sacrifice" reveals her inner desire and how she would get victimised if won by an unwanted suitor.

The central idea in the song played as background music and the word FANCY may mean fantastic, capricious. Bassanio concentrates on this idea 'outward show' "mislead and deceive the observer". The spectator is made to recollect how the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon were deceived by outer appearance.

Bassio rejecting both the gold and silver goes in for the lead. (It is said that "Midas imagined that gold itself could be something nutritive or life-giving and he starved to death for the mistake") which makes us refer to the play's MIDAS FINGURE "for whom wealth is, in itself something of final, ultimate value".

The central theme of the drama,

"The contrast between appearance and reality" is in relation to Bassanio's choice of the caskets. "what appears to be worthless turns valuable while what appears to be valuable turns worthless".

Shakespeare seems to stress the fact that hoarding wealth is not happiness. Portia's and Bassanio's "exchange of vows is in an intense and exalted level" Gratiano has won Nerissa and Portia and Bassanio presenting their love as "something ideal" while Gratiano believes that "Love a physical as well as a union" Bassanio seems to be torn between his "Love and loyalty to his wife and his love and loyalty to his friend", Antonio.

Portia's is a rare character, her reaction to the decisive moment is strategic and putting it into effect, is commendable.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Kapruka -
Sri Lanka

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