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Government Gazette

Peace, Unity, Freedom my responsibility - President

President Mahinda Rajapaksa asserted that as Commander in Chief, his sole responsibility was to ensure peace, unity and freedom for the nation, even at the risk of his life, and urged the newly commissioned officers too, to assume this great responsibility on behalf of the nation from this day.

President Rajapaksa made this assertion when he participated as the Chief Guest at the Commissioning Parade of the Regular Officer Cadet Intake 60 and 60B at the Diyatalawa Military Academy yesterday.

The President said that except for a tribal and barbaric minority, the whole nation, regardless of their race, is yearning for peace and freedom, as one single closely-knit family. "This is the daunting challenge before the nation.

This could not be achieved only by arms and war alone. It needs the will, courage and commitment of the soldiers who have now specialized their skills. "You should remember that your orders and decisions will be carried out by thousands of your subordinate soldiers. You need to be true soldiers and your subordinates too will then follow suit. Since our armed forces are free of mercenaries, we can achieve our goals easily", he said.

President Rajapaksa conveyed his highest gratitude and honour to the parents who had gathered at the parade grounds to witness their sons and daughters being commissioned as gallant officers to serve their country.

"I can well read your minds and eyes. I know what you are wishing from the depths of your hearts. My parents and my family too had the same experience when my brother, the Defence Ministry Secretary Gotabhaya was commissioned as an officer 35 years ago.

Truly, the whole nation is extremely proud of you for dedicating your own flesh and blood for the service of the nation. The country's flora and fauna too will bestow their fullest respect and gratitude in silence to you dear parents", The President reiterated.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka
Kapruka -

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