Long time ago.... in Bethlehem
by Jeannette Cabraal
It was a cold dark winter night. The inky blue of the sky was
scattered with a multitude of stars that glittered in all their
radiance. A mystic aura pervaded. There was something in the air other
than the nip and the solemn tranquility.
An inexplicable something, as though an unexpected event was about to
happen. There seemed to be an atmospheric spell. On the plains of
Bethlehem a few shepherds huddled together guarding their flocks. These
shepherds were lowly and timid people. They had strange fancies.
Among them a little way off sitting aloof hugging his emaciated freak
lamb sat the little crippled boy, a reject of society, hanging around
with the shepherds, hobbling around on errands when it pleased them and
shouted at and neglected at other times. He too felt the atmosphere
strange and unfathomable.
From time to time the shepherds would grow tense and alert as if they
sensed something. The sleepy-eyed little boy watched them warily. He
dared not address them as he would only be shouted at and told not to
make a nuisance of himself.
All at once the shepherds became alarmed, suspense gripped them, they
clung to one another quizzical looks on their faces as the plains lit up
with an angelic glow revealing their puzzled bewildered looks.
Heavenly strains wafted in the midnight air. The shepherds prostrated
themselves in fear "Fear not" rang out a voice in accents clear "I bring
you good things. In David's town of Bethlehem is born today of David's
line a saviour who is Christ the Lord."
The little cripple was gripped with fear. He was so far away from the
shepherds. He hugged his little lamb in a closer embrace for comfort
when Lo. and behold'. he sighted a tail star which moved. He was rooted
to the spot. There was no other way in which his crippled form could
react. His crippled leg could not give way to rapid movement - to
Suddenly the shepherds rose in a body, one or two of them carrying a
pretty woolly lamb, snow white in the inky blue darkness, such a
contrast to the miserable specimen he clasped to his bosom. With great
effort he struggled up to them, still clutching his pet lamb a reject of
the shepherds just like himself. He asked them what it was all about.
They brushed him rudely aside and hurried on.
Shivering in the cold, drawing his tattered shawl around himself and
the lamb, he trailed behind the shepherd. They seemed to be in much
haste he could not keep pace with his twisted leg. He was way behind but
hobbled on as fast as his crooked leg would permit to keep them in
Tears of misery, anguish, sheer helplessness pricked his eyes, over
his inability to hurry and then he saw at a distance the shepherds had
come to a halt. He saw them in a shadowy haze all on their knees.
Gasping for breath, dragging his twisted leg he reached the place.
His tailstar was there! How strange! But it was a hovel, a stable
with cattle around. But wonder of wonders! there was a helpless babe. A
helpless babe like him, like his poor little emaciated lamb. He glanced
at the two adult figures, a beautiful kindly woman and a venerable man
who seemed equally helpless but exuding love and comfort to those of his
He sprawled on the straw unable to maintain his balance, offering his
poor emaciated pet at the feet of the babe as a gift. The shepherd
attempted to pull him away harshly but the kind couple smilingly
prevented them. Here was a home for the likes of him.
They told me Lord
You were born on Bethlehem's plain
I struggled on
Despite the cold
Bearing my offering
To you: Oh Baby King!
Tis the meanest lamb of the flock
The forsaken one;
Like I my Lord
Like You my Lord
In our innocence we three are one
The poor mis-shapes lamb
Thou Lamb of God
And I
Count me Lord with Thee
A poor forsaken one6
As at thy stall I kneel
With my poor mis-shapen offering. |