The Message of the 'Stable Birth'
Of all humanity Jesus Christ was the only person who
had the privilege and the distinction of selecting:
(a) His mother.
(b) The family to which He should be born.
(c) The place of His birth.
As for His mother, He chose a very humble lady and for His family a
lowly carpenter's family. For the place of His birth He chose the
lowliest of the lowly - a stable.
Have we for a moment paused to ponder and think as to why He always
chose the lowly and the lowliest of all places. Why did Christ choose to
be born in a stable? - a cattle shed for that matter, a very degrading
place, a place unfit for human habitation. Why didn't Christ choose a
more comfortable and a more acceptable place for His Divine birth - a
mansion, a building of architectural beauty, a magnificent edifice like
one of our Churches.
What is the message that God gives the world? - mankind through His
choices - a humble mother, lowly carpenter's family and most of all
through the divine birth in a stable - a cattle shed.
In all His choices we see the "mind" of God. What His mind and ways
are He says in Is. 55: 8-9 "my thoughts" says the Lord "are not like
yours, and my ways are different from yours as high as the heavens are
above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours."
If we pursue a little further to understand His "thoughts" - He
clarifies in Mt. 5:5 "Happy are those who are HUMBLE, they will receive
what God has promised." In Lk. 6:20 says "Happy are you POOR the kingdom
of God is yours."
The message that God gives us through His lowly choices especially
that of the lowliest STABLE is all that could be associated with the
stable - that God prefers, admires, relishes and advocates HUMILITY,
POVERTY, SIMPLICITY etc. which HE says in Is. 55: 8-9 are HIS thoughts
which are as high as the mountains are and far distanced from that of
The first to be at the stable on the first Christmas night, those to
whom the Angels appeared and who had no difficulty at all in finding
their way to Baby Jesus were the shepherds - the POOR. They would not
have felt uncomfortable in the "lowly" stable.
On the contrary they would have felt very homely. On the other hand
the three wise men or kings - the RICH, had much difficulty in finding
their way to Baby Jesus. They would also have felt very uncomfortable in
an environment that they would have otherwise despised - the lowly
stable. They would have soiled their "princely" clothes that night.
Many years back when confession was a regular feature, we indulged in
a sincere examination of conscience. Similarly if we honestly and
sincerely take a hard look "at the mirror" and have the strength and the
courage to compare ourselves with the adherents of other religions and
whilst calling "a spade a spade" to also have the magnanimity to "give
credit where credit is due", we would have to reluctantly though admit
that we fall far short where HUMILITY, POVERTY of SPIRIT, SIMPLICITY
etc. are concerned.
The very first words of Almighty God to Moses was "Do not come any
closer, take off your sandals because you are standing on Holy ground"
(Ex 3:5). It was not a request or a suggestion but a definite order -
"do not".
The very act of bending and removing ones footwear to lower ones
"self esteem" to honour the sacredness of a place of worship and also to
lower one's pride and ego to come down to the level of the "have nots"
is one of the highest forms of HUMILITY and POVERTY IN SPIRIT.
We continue regardless to disrespect the sacredness of the House of
God with PRIDE including the sanctuary making excuses and indulging in
self-justification whilst thousands of devotees of other religions obey
the command of God with HUMILITY.
Some "bottle lover" coined the saying "One for the road," whilst it
should really be the opposite "None for the road." Similarly some dress
or fashion maniac coined the saying "Sunday best" and "Christmas best"
whilst in reality God wishes the opposite - "My ways are not your ways"
(Is. 55:8-9).
In 1Ti. 2:9 under "Church Worship" Christ speaks through St. Paul "I
also want the women to be modest and sensible about their clothes and to
dress properly, not with fancy hair-styles..."
So it's not only modesty but common sense also - "to dress sensibly"
- a sensible dress for the "place" and the "occasion" - the House of God
- To worship Almighty God - not for a party or any other function.
Alas what has happened today - the RICH IN SPIRIT are comfortably and
snobbishly seated inside the over decorated distractful Churches in
their "Christmas dress", comparing their clothes with those of others
while Jesus' poor are outside in their poor clothes or at home lamenting
their inability to pay homage to Baby Jesus in their own poor humble
It is also an agonising task for poor parents to pacify their
children about their helpless situation to buy new clothes because all
children like to do what others do. This is due to no fault of theirs
but the false values and dress sence prevailing in most Christian
Devotees of all other religions and smaller Christian sects wear
modest and sensible clothes so that no one is embarrassed or left out.
After Christmas Mass we always wind our way to the Crib to pay homage to
Baby Jesus. In case the Crib was a real "cattle shed" as it was on the
first Christmas night, how many of us would dare enter for fear of
soiling our clothes.
We Christians are the only devotees who comfortably and graciously
sit with PRIDE, sometimes even cross-legged on chairs and benches in the
House of Almighty God. All devotees of other religions HUMBLY sit on the
We will need sack loads of HUMILITY to lower ourselves to the ground
and also to prostrate ourselves before the Almighty God and to worship
Him with the highest form of "mind - body" posture. Our clothes itself
is an obstacle and our PRIDE an impediment.
HUMILITY or PRIDE in our mind - the inner self, is reflected in our
actions - the outer self. God sees both our inner and outer selves. The
world sees only our outer self which is important for evangelisation.
How would Baby Jesus accept us, if we including the clergy HUMBLE
ourselves like the adherents of other religions and some Penticostals
including the highest in the land, the President, Prime Minister,
Ministers etc. and
(a) Wear a simple modest dress to the House of God.
(b) Remove our footwear before entering the House of God.
(c) Sit humbly on the floor in the House of God.
(d) Prostrate ourselves before the Almighty God and worship Him
(e) Humbly join hands posture when praying.
So it is clear and obvious that it is the highest and most
appropriate posture for worship of Almighty God.
Would Baby Jesus who chose a humble stable for His Divine Birth be
comfortable in a Church this Christmas or would He walk into a place
more in keeping to His 'mind set' as in Is. 55:8-9.
by M. V. Noel de Silva.