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MCNS sets records straight

Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) yesterday denied allegations that the air force struck civilian targets in the recent air attacks and charged that the LTTE was engaged in a misinformation campaign to gain public sympathy.

"Tigers in desperate attempts to survive the criticism leveled at them by the besieged Tamil civilians in Vakarai and Kathiraweli area and the international community on their brutalities had resorted to allege the Security Forces on air strikes on religious places, schools and hospitals, thus to gain public sympathy," said the Media Centre for National Security (MCNS).

LTTE earlier alleged that Air Force attacked the Verugal Murugan Kovil at Echchalmpattu in Trincomalee district on 28 (Thursday).

"Sri Lanka Air Force, experienced and precise in acquiring targets with the sophisticated technology possessed, stated that an air strike was carried out on 28th at an identified tiger's heavy gun position in action around 9.03 a.m. and never targeted a Kovil," the MCNS said in its website.

"Air Force further stated that they take maximum precautions when they carry out retaliatory strikes to ensure that no civilians or any religious places are harmed,'' it added.

"Despite the Tamil civilians' urge to move to the controlled areas, tigers had been retaining them forcibly in Verugal and Vakarai areas around their detachments and gun positions forming them a Human Shield against the retaliations by the Security Forces."

More than 29,000 civilians have arrived at the Government controlled area fleeing besieged Vakarai during the past weeks.

There are, still, 8,000-9,000 civilians, trapped in Vakarai.

"Tigers use these civilians as a Human Shield to cover any retaliatory attacks by the Government Forces and to subject them to harm during retaliations and campaign for international sympathy," said the Media Centre for National Security.

The MCNS added that, it had been the Tiger practice to place their guns, mortar positions and the camps at places closer to religious places, hospitals and schools to avert retaliations.

"The Security Forces at times had to abstain from retaliating to the tiger artillery and mortar attacks when such positions are at public or religious places to avoid damages to these places as a courtesy to humanity," added the MCNS.

An earlier claim by the LTTE that the Air Force had carried out an attack at Tsunami memorial ceremony on 26th was bared a lie, said the MCNS website.

Meantime the Air Force today (30) targeted an identified tiger gun position in Vakarai around 9.30 a.m. and a sea tiger base North East of Pudukudirippu around 12.00 noon.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Kapruka -
Sri Lanka

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