Hide & Seek
Jungle treatment
The Village in the Jungle is well known among those who have the
reading habit. But have you ever heard of a Hospital in the Jungle. Yes,
Security forces after they liberated the area from the Tiger claws in
the East found this well equipped hospital serving the Tigers day and
night in the forests. Where have the funds come from to build and run
such a modern hospital to serve exclusively for the Tigers? No Cross, No
Way, the innocent civilians were never ever treated there.
Leading from behind
The poor scribes at Leading from behind wonder whether they would
ever get the right portion of their Ee Pee Ef dues after the News that
comes Daily exposed the scandal. Excited guys at Leading from behind
have later begged for more time to pay back for their sins. The age-old
proverb reminded the guys that those who live in glass house should not
throw stones. At this mis-Leading place, it is not stone but stinking
mud. The guys at the mis-Leading, spread rumours that they sue the
Oldest House of publications, but the guy there laughs out saying such a
demanding letter was news only to a TV channel which lavishly beaming
the sly face of the mis-Leading man.
MPs to get refresh or shatter
Today, MR is to shuffle his C-pack and the destiny of his MPs would
have been decided already. The MPs have been kicking their boots for
long weeks to see the MR's rewards. Really some would see their dreams
come true while others will definitely see their dreams at a distance.
Oh! What to do...? That's life. MR treats only on merit. That's the
No judgement
The doping issue of Jaa Ani took a U turn after the DC chief gave a
controversial ruling to exonerate the lass. The disciplinary type of
Head challenged the concrete evidence the medical types had and
overruled the MC decisions. But the world track Heads in Monaco were
unhappy and have now decided to send their own rep for local
arbitration. Though the DC called scribes and read his ruling to clear
the lass, he has failed to put that verdict in the official form he
filled and dispatched to Monaco. |