The end of a long confrontation?
US administrations have a tendency to start from scratch in their
dealings with North Korea - and then relearn, step by step, the tortuous
lessons taught to their predecessors.

A South Korean Army soldier talks on his radio at the border village
of the Panmunjom, north of Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, Feb. 14,
2007. The two Koreas will meet Thursday to discuss resuming
Cabinet-level talks, which have been stalled for months, an official
said Wednesday, in a sign of breakthrough in chilled inter-Korean
relations. The letters on helmets read "Military Police." - AP |
Prominent members of US President George W Bush's administration make
no secret of their contempt for a previous nuclear deal signed by the
Clinton administration with North Korea in 1994.
Now, after years of confrontation, they have signed up to something
that looks suspiciously similar - a nuclear freeze in return for
economic and diplomatic incentives. The difference is that North Korea
now claims to be a nuclear power, having used the period of hostility to
test a nuclear device and build a small arsenal of weapons. The US
negotiator, Christopher Hill, says the new agreement is just a first
The aim is still the full dismantlement of all North Korea's nuclear
capabilities, although he concedes there is still a long way to go.
But analysts say US policy looks increasingly like a containment
exercise - an attempt to limit the damage and restrict the expansion of
the North's existing capabilities.
"After years of mistakes the United States has decided to stop
digging a hole for itself," says Peter Beck, North-East Asia Director of
the International Crisis group. "The administration has made a strategic
decision to go after Iran and to go soft on North Korea," he said.
After first ruling out rewards for "bad behaviour", the US has now
signed up to a deal that will see substantial incentives for a state Mr
Bush once consigned to his Axis of Evil.
Staggered rewards
North Korea will receive 50,000 tonnes of fuel oil for shutting down
its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, which produces enough plutonium for one
atom bomb each year.
Another 950,000 tonnes of oil has been promised once the reactor has
been "disabled". The US will say that amounts to more than a simple
freeze - but to the North Koreans it will mean less than full
There will also be discussions on the establishment of diplomatic
relations and the de-listing of North Korea as a state that sponsors
terrorism. The idea is to stagger the rewards in line with concrete
North Korean steps towards nuclear disarmament.
That, however, was also the rationale behind the Agreed Framework of
1994, which fell apart after less than a decade. "We've lost four or
five years and now we have to start again with North Korea - except the
situation is worse because they've now tested a nuclear device," says
Jun Bong-geun of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
in Seoul.
In Seoul, there is relief that the US has gradually moderated its
position. Washington has dropped its long objection to direct talks with
the North Koreans and agreed to moderate the financial squeeze it
imposed in September 2005 - a response it said at the time to the
"criminal activities" of the North Korean regime.
One of the architects of the more punitive approach, however, the
former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, does not like
what he sees.
"I'm very disturbed by this deal, it sends exactly the wrong signal
to would-be proliferators around the world: If you hold out long enough,
wear down the State Department negotiators, eventually you get
rewarded," he told CNN.
The first test will come in 60 days when the North Koreans are
required to shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon. If past
experience is any guide, each step will be hotly contested and further
breakdowns in the process are likely.
The US is insisting on a full accounting of North Korea's nuclear
inventory, including an alleged parallel nuclear programme based on the
enrichment of uranium. North Korea denies it exists.
North Korea will probably see the latest round in its decades-long
confrontation with the US as a victory. Its goal is probably the
extraction of economic aid and the maintenance of a nuclear arsenal as a
final deterrent - an objective that appears more realistic now than it
did when the latest confrontation began.