Valentine's day wins Indian hearts
Valentine's Day is now firmly established as a special date in India
despite complaints from some radical religious groups that it is an
affront to its tradition and culture. Couples who are planning to go on
Valentine's Day dates in some parts of India risk having their romance
disrupted by religious radicals who are trying to prevent men and women
meeting each other in public.
The right-wing Hindu organisation Bajrang Dal has said it will oppose
Valentine's Day celebrations in Madhya Pradesh "tooth and nail",
claiming the day reflects a Western phenomenon which is destroying
Indian culture.
The group also encourages its members to burn Valentine's cards and
members have put up billboard advertisements asking young lovers not to
hold hands.
Traditional Indian society does not approve of public displays of
affection between the sexes, including hand-holding and kissing. Another
Hindu hard-line organization, the Shiv Sena, has said it will photograph
couples caught expressing their love in cinemas, cafes and shopping
malls and hand the pictures to their parents.
However, the message of this small number of protestors is ignored by
the majority of people, especially the young. In Delhi, smart
restaurants are fully booked for February 14th and card shops and
florists are expecting to do record business.
The Indian Post Office is also cashing in. It has launched a set of
floral-scented stamps for Valentine's Day and hopes this will encourage
people to send letters and cards to each other, rather than relying on
emails and text messages to express their love.
Financial independence
Valentine's Day is a relatively new concept in India but it has grown
in significance in the past five years. As India's economy booms, many
young women have found that financial independence brings with it
freedom of choice when it comes to relationships.
In the past, the key decision on who a woman would marry was usually
made by her parents. Now though, many professional and educated women
follow their own hearts when it comes to romance and young men have
discovered that Valentine's Day offers a useful opportunity to lure the
girls their way.
The Retailers' Association of India estimates that the total spent on
Valentine's Day gifts this year will be more than 12 billion rupees.
India's largest chain of card shops, Archie's, is producing more than
300 different types of Valentine's Day cards this year.
Some of them come with detachable love hearts which can then be used
as mobile telephone accessories. There is also money to be made from
people who do not have a sweetheart but want one. Internet dating sites
have grown in popularity in India.
One of the most successful, has two million members and
says February is the most popular month in which to join.