China suffers severe brain drain
China suffers from the world's most severe brain drain, state media
says. About two-thirds of Chinese who have studied abroad since the
1980s have chosen not to go back home, the China Daily said.
This ratio, in a new report compiled by the Academy of Social
Sciences in Beijing, is reportedly the highest in the world. China is
now "in dire need of people of expertise", Li Xiaoli, the co-author of
the report, told the newspaper.
"It has been a great loss for China... to see well-educated
professionals leave after the country has invested a lot in them," Li
Xiaoli said. Since 2002, more than 100,000 students have gone abroad to
study each year, but the number of returnees has been only 20,000 to
30,000, the report estimates.
The newspaper noted that, to a certain extent, the trend was
unavoidable as it reflected China's growing integration with the rest of
the world. But in an editorial, the paper said the government should do
more to encourage these migrants to come home.
"Many talented Chinese emigrated overseas because they could not find
opportunity at home," the China Daily said in an editorial. "It's time
to nurture that reverse migration." About 35m people of Chinese origin
are living in more than 150 countries around the world, according to the