HIV: Australia sounds alarm
HIV is again casting an ominous shadow across Australia's gay
community. Infection rates rose by 41% between 2000 and 2005.

A five-year old orphaned girl nicknamed Florcita, who is HIV
positive, stands at her grandmother's house in Leon, Nicaragua,
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007. Florcita went back to her school after
missing a week of classes because the parents of other children had
pressured teachers, fearing the infection could spread. -AP |
Charities have warned that although the epidemic is nowhere near as
bad as it was in the 1980s, the latest figures are alarming. There is a
fear that a new generation of homosexual men has become complacent about
the threat of a virus that is no longer seen as a killer.
"HIV doesn't seem to provoke that same sense of urgency anymore,"
said David Menadue, who was diagnosed with the virus in 1984 and is one
of Australia's longest-surviving HIV patients. "Certainly people look
healthier," Mr Menadue said. "A lot of people are HIV positive and you'd
never know."
In 2005 there were about 950 diagnoses of HIV in Australia mostly
among gay men, who account for around 80% of infections. The figure for
heterosexuals is just over 18% while intravenous drug users who attend
needle exchange programmes make up about 1% of the total.
The increase in the infection rate in the gay community follows a
decline in the late 1990s. "What's changed is that HIV has moved from
being a fatal condition to being a chronic, manageable disease," said
Geoff Honnor from the Australian charity People Living With HIV and
Aids. Gay men have adjusted their risk assessment accordingly."
David Menadue, 54, is on a daily cocktail of drugs. "It's no walk in
the park," he said. "It's a very difficult existence because I am on 30
tablets a day and invariably some of those have some very harsh
side-effects." His kidneys have been damaged and he has developed
diabetes as a result of the treatments. On top of that he has a high
risk of heart attacks.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the body's natural
defences. Under this barrage victims become vulnerable to potentially
life-threatening infections and cancers. If untreated, most HIV-infected
people develop Aids and die.
Australia has so far recorded 6,660 Aids-related deaths. The
country's incidence of HIV and Aids pales when compared to Africa. Rates
are also far higher in the United States and South East Asia. But the
surge in infections has worried the Australian government. It is
promising to spend A$10m ($7.7m) on a new education campaign.
"It's about getting the necessary information to people who need it
the most," said federal health minister Tony Abbott. "What we need is
responsible behaviour." Changing attitudes to sex, especially among the
young, is a major challenge.
Drinking a beer in a bar on Sydney's Oxford Street Anthony, 24,
admitted to having unprotected sex a "few times". "I know the risks. I'm
as careful as a I can be but after a few drinks and stuff things can get
a bit crazy," he said.
The government also wants to find out why HIV infections have risen
in Victoria and Queensland, while they have fallen in New South Wales.
Experts are at a loss to explain precisely why, for example, the number
of HIV cases had increased in Melbourne but not in Sydney, Australia's
gay capital.
Stevie Clayton, from the Aids Council of New South Wales, believes
the answer lies in the concerted work of charities, the State
government, scientists and the homosexual population. The new,
centrally-funded awareness campaign has received a guarded welcome.
"The federal government has been notoriously conservative in recent
years when it comes to resources for HIV, work so we're a bit cautious
about the new campaign being delivered," said Stevie Clayton. "That
said, there is a crying need for it," she said.