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DateLine Sunday, 10 June 2007





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Government Gazette

Adapting to change

In this age of globalisation, foreign policy is, more than ever before, the world's domestic policy. It is simply the policy on which the political, social and economic decisions of a State are decided. It promotes national interest of that country. Some countries have policies intact where change of governments will not change the foreign policy.

In India, governments and leaders may change; but the foreign policy and Foreign Service may differ slightly. In other countries, it is not so. USA, USSR, and even in the United Kingdom foreign policy depends on many other factors. Party policy, promises, election pledges and many other factors that will have a direct bearing to foreign policies of a State.

Political influence

Hugh Gibson defines foreign policy as a "rounded comprehensive plan, based on knowledge and experience for conducting the business of government with the rest of the world." It is aimed at promoting and protecting the interest of the actionist using political influence in order to induce other states to exercise their law making power in a manner described by the States concerned.

It consists of decisions and actions which involves to some appreciable extent relations between State and others. The essence of foreign policy is the use of State resources to induce such behaviour on the part of other States as what could promote interest. In very simple language foreign policy is the behaviour of the State with the rest of the members of the world family. This includes the behaviour of missions of the host and receiving country. Correct foreign policy is important for the existence of the States which are interdependent socially and economically with each other. No State can live in isolation as the life is so interconnected.

Rich and powerful States can demand and command as; even in the family of States the law of the jungle based on the survival of the fittest applies. States may be theoretically equal and sovereign, but in reality it may not necessarily be so. Here too, power and money speaks. Diplomacy and foreign elations can play a major role in such uneven situations.

Family of States is bonded by conventions and rules based on international law and relations. Though there is no executive world body to implement the internationally accepted conventions and rules, members of world family tend to respect internal law and diplomatic relations.

Sri Lanka has a proud history of diplomatic relations throughout the history. Kings maintained cordial diplomatic relations with neighbours and merchants who arrived as trade commissioners. Relationships by marriage with Indian kinghood, and religious bonds with Buddhist States such as Burma (Siam- presently known as Myanmar) were frequent.

In 245 BC, King Asoka who conquered the whole of India sent his daughter and son as emissaries to propagate Buddhism in Sri Lanka with the advice of his Prime Minister 'Amirtha.' In 1292 AD, Marco Polo visited us. During King Vasaba, there are reports of close connections with Percian Kings with whome our kings exchanged gifts and ideas. 7th century AD Rev Patina visited and conducted researches on Buddhism and political issues. Lord Buddha has made a point to visit Sri Lanka thrice; once to resolve a crisis between two rival provincial kings. It is amazing but true that we were never under any mighty superpower or a large State, throughout our history, until the British cunningly took control of the entire country in 1895. King Asoka conquered the whole of India, but never thought of having control of the tiny island so close to India. All this is due to the correct foreign policy adopted by our ancestors. Muslims who arrived as traders without women, married Sinhala or Tamil women and settled here. Kings gave grants to construct mosques, and showed the world equal treatment to everybody including traders. Today Muslims live in perfect harmony with the rest of the inhibitions. Disproportionately large numbers of Muslim Ministers in the government and the privileged position in trade shows the tolerance and goodwill extended. In the United Kingdom, Muslims are not treated as in Sri Lanka. In France 'Burka' the head dress of Muslim girls are not permitted in schools. Foreign Policy during D S Senanayaka, and Sir John Kotalawela were pro-west. It has been the correct attitude as we were still under influence of our colonial masters. It is their style of doing things as emerging local leaders in place of colonial masters, despite the pressure and objects by young Marxist leaders such as N M Perera, Phillip Gunawardena and Colvin R. De Silva.. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike developed a home grown policy based on the influence of contemporary world leaders such as, Nehru of India and leaders of the Non-aligned nations, who did not want to take sides during the 'cold war'.

They mooted political Pancha seela and middle path of non-alignment to any power block. Sri Lanka though small has been a respected member of the world family. World leaders frequently visited Sri Lanka.

Being a senior member of the world body of United Nations, Sri Lanka took a pro-active role in the multinational arena and has served on a number of negotiations as a think tank for groups of the Non-Alignment Movement which developed proposals for the restructuring of the United Nations on the shaping of the UN inter-governmental policy on peace and security related matters.


Madam Bandaranaike went lengths further than her husband who was assassinated in 1959. Following the footsteps of her late husband, she led the Non-Alignment Movement successfully giving name and fame to Sri Lanka.

She led the powerful group through the summit for a further period of two years. Being a cultured village woman and a good house wife though without higher education, she played cards well in her own style with the assistance of able civil servants to lead the country in the correct path in the sphere of foreign policy.

This is the period Sri Lanka was in the helm in every sphere, including foreign relations. Members of the world family respected us and almost all the world leaders made it a point to visit our country. Number of projects and factories were donated or given on very easy terms.

Country gained as a result of proper management of foreign policy and foreign relations.

After Mrs. Bandaranaike's defeat in 1977, the foreign and economic policy in Sri Lanka took a different turn. J.R.Jayewardene introduced free economy and foreign policy aligned to west for which he was committed to.

Unfortunately, it was not well timed to be pro-west which aroused suspicions of regional and world leaders close to us geographically. Cold war was on and India was an emerging regional power, aligned to USSR with a treaty and political inclinations, when JR becoming closer and closer to USA and west, in all respects. It was unfortunate that JR, was not realistic and tactical and had not considered the ground realities, giving emphasis to his long cherished commitment to the west, which aroused suspicions of mighty neighbours, who never considered Sri Lanka as a threat to them.

Today things have changed further. The world is trying to be critical on us, due to vigorous anti-Sri Lanka lobby by the L.T.T.E, and U.N.P. The grouse is that we do not maintain international standards on human rights and humanitarian law and practices. The measure and the barometer of the applicability of 'Human Rights' are the existence and enforcement of international human rights instruments and its applicability.

World standards.

Generally, the world family compares the situation, machinery and the conditions of the west, with that of the country concerned. Generally, the United Kingdom is considered to be maintaining the world standards.

It is time to quote Sunday Times of 3/6/2007, Daily Telegraph on 4/6/2007 in the United Kingdom, and reports in all British media, the 'NEW TOUGH TERROR LAWS' to be introduced by Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister in waiting, proposing to allow the police to continue to interrogate terror suspects, make terrorism an aggravated factor allowing Judges to give harsher sentences, give MPs and peers greater powers to scrutinise the work of the security and intelligence services, boost the national security budget, materials gathered from intercepts and transcripts of telephone and email conversations be admissible as in the US, and European nations.

This is in addition to the prevention of the Terrorism Act and strong and powerful criminal justice system giving sweeping powers to security forces including 'internment' which is harsher and powerful than emergency powers. We do not understand the protest against taking precautions, by removing potential threats in 'Lodges' back until the tense situation is settled. They are safe and protected where they are.

The power envisages to implement are draconian, harsh and powerful, which takes away the freedom of the civil society to a large extent. But we should endorse and agree on every step proposed by Gorden Brown, which would definitely be endorsed by Conservatives in the event they come into power at the next elections scheduled in due course, as essential in the name of peace and security of the ordinary citizen in the United Kingdom. In the UK terror has come to the doorstep.

London is no longer a safe place to live peacefully. Nowhere in London is safe as it is infested by terrorism activities in the name of various freedom movements from all over the world, out of which LTTE is the most active and powerful, not only in the UK, but all over Europe. So-called liberation movements rooted in the guise of front line organisations of terror movements and unfortunately tolerated by the British who are traditionally tolerant towards post colonial colleagues and oil rich business partners.

Minority especially the Muslims in the UK, feel threatened and unsafe and complaints of being persecuted as a group alleging a racial and religious war by Tony Blair quoting Iraq and Afghanistan and happenings in the UK as examples. We never interfere in their matter of being tough on draconian terror laws and harsh immigration laws. We abided by diplomacy, foreign policy and the Vienna Convention for which both United Kingdom and Sri Lanka are signatories.


In Sri Lanka, terror has infiltrated into our house, not the doorstep as in the United Kingdom. LTTE and their agents are in Colombo in the guise of various forms. Lodges must be searched and all precautionary steps have to be taken to protect innocent lives and properties. Gorden Brown who is determined to combat terrorism told BBC1 Sunday AM: We have to produce the evidence of why the current law is inadequate and we have to show the safeguards that will be there for civil liberties. This is proved by the Labour Government by passing at the rate of seven laws everyday during Blair's premiership. Gorden Brown is considering further harsh and tough legislation in due course according to Telegraph newspaper. We endorse Mr. Brown in attempting to curb terror, but the fact remains that Sri Lanka too should be given the opportunity to liberate her people from terror by reasonably tough legislation and procedure to curb terrorism. We too entitle to control terror and terrorism.

The measures taken by the Sri Lankan Government to protect civil liberties of the ordinary citizen, too should be understood by the international community; especially the nations who are victims of terror. It is good international relation practice and norms not to interfere in international affairs of the host country and abide by Article 3 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

We respectfully disagree with the position taken by a Mission in Sri Lanka in response to our concern overstepping the mandate and jurisdiction of the mission in recent statements and acts which are inconsistent with the accepted conventions and norms. We receive this reply in response to our concern - Quote; 'Diplomats need to step carefully, but since the Second World War internal conflict, human rights and humanitarian affairs have quite rightly been seen as areas of concern for the international community. Both the UK and Sri Lanka are signatories to the main human rights conventions and both have sought and won elections to the UN Human Rights Council, indication that we are prepared to have our internal records scrutinised.'

This is their justification on intervention on our internal conflict with LTTE who are fighting a bloody battle with legitimately elected governments over twenty years. It is time for some heads of missions to go back to the drawing table to learn basics again in dealing with Sri Lankan issues. It is true that the United Nations emerged as a result of the aftermath of both world wars, to avoid further destruction and loss of property and human lives.

That was why the human instruments were drafted. But Article 2 of the United Nations main Convention is loud and clear on sovereignty and equality among states which is as follows: 'The organisation in based on principles of sovereign equality of all members.' This principle runs through the length and breath of the UN charter and other instruments including UDHR, ECHR, and connected instruments on Human Right jurisprudence. Therefore it is incorrect and not in conformity with accepted principle of international law diplomacy and relations, to interfere in international strife's especially when the host country is going through a bad and difficult time.

Current incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa has inherited a complicated situation, mismanaged and mishandled by all previous successive government whether SLFP or UNP. Mahinda is left with his goodwill and commitment based on the mandate given to him by the people appointing him as a trustee of the nation for a given period to bring about a lasting solution to the ongoing issue by applying his experience and principles of Mahinda Chintanaya.

British foreign office has defined the priorities for British Foreign Policy as follows; Making the world safer from global terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, reducing the harm to the United Kingdom from international crime including drug trafficking, supporting the United Kingdom economy, promote development as the main theme in conducting themselves including the host missions. Therefore it is the duty of missions to cooperate with the host country to combat global terrorism in the interest of the United Kingdom citizens and mankind.

It is the host country that may indicate concerns of grave violations, after the receiving mission submits reports if at all any concerns are shown.

Receiving missions have no mandate to make statements and act on day-to-day incidents of the receiving and friendly country, however small the receiving country is.

Foreign Policy and relations are directly connected to the conduct of the leader of the country and the mission head. Mr. Puting has dropped a bombshell by threatening USA, for installation radar systems in Europe, close to USSR. These are signs of resurfacing the old cold war between superpowers and emergence of the other world policemen again which will have direct bearing to us and Mahinda- the emerging world leader.

According to the west, the Human Rights situation in USSR is worst but it is not a concern of the west. After Puting has pointed the finger, the west appear to have been silent. This is unequal treatment on Sri Lanka by friendly nations in this difficult time in a worrying factor. These matters have direct impact on our domestic matters and it is time Mahinda to handle the situation carefully taking advantage of all situations.

American foreign policy is straight and tough. America returned to peace and independent policies after World War I. But after World War II, it enmeshed itself on mutual defence all over the world, put the world on a permanent war footing, undertook numerous military adventures and took sides in almost every conflict based on security against attacks. USA has thought prescribed LTTE as a terrorist organisation and has understood the ground realities.

Though small in size we are a senior and respected member of the world family. Today we are being securitised as a result on the 'war on terror' against the LTTE, the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world which aims at destabilising Sri Lanka politically and conically.


This terror group has included assassination of politicians including former Prime Ministers, leaders of political parties, religious leaders, and innocent civilians belong to all communities. While claiming they take steps to protect Tamils, LTTE has killed more Tamils of their own race than Sinhala people. LTTE has wiped out all moderate Tamil and Sinhala politicians and even today those who they consider opponents are in the hit list. Their demand is a separate state for north and east which covers 2/3 sea area and 1/3 land area approximately, in which the inhabitants are distributed semi-equally among main three ethnic groups.

Majority of the Tamil population lives in areas other than north and east, and in Colombo- the capital of Sri Lanka majority of inhibitions are Tamils and Muslims. LTTE demands are non-negotiable and justifies armed struggle to achieve their ends.

Human suffering, killings and destruction to properties are taking place on a daily basis as a result of armed struggle, the main obstruction to combat terrorism is the activism of some missions, NGOs and International Media and Organisations, under the cover of human rights, humanitarian laws, diplomacy, foreign policy and relations.

According to Mahinda Chintana, the principles on which the people have delegated Mahinda to rule the country spells as follows: The freedom of our country is supreme. I will not permit any separatism. I will also not permit anyone to destroy democracy in our country. It is through love, kindness, compassion, and altruistic joy (mettha, muditha, and karuna) that civilisation of our country was built upon. This is a novel concept based on Buddhism.

It is the case on the emergence of a new leader. Sirimavo Bandaranaike's approach was different from that of S.W.R.D. who put forward theory for him to implement which she did successfully. R. Premadasa was different from J.R. Jayewardene who had his own style of doing things and different foreign policy. George W Bush and Bill Clinton adopted their own way of doing things.

Mahinda Rajapaksa is slowly and steadily emerging a world leader, amidst adverse propaganda by LTTE, Leader of the Opposition and NGOs backed by the academics and professionals in the pay roll and the band of vested interest. Our missions abroad have a major role to play in this decisive hour in order to liberate the peoples of Sri Lanka from this menace.

The subtle nature and the realities of the North and East issue should be educated to the misguided foreigners, who are brain washed by LTTE activists and anti-Sri Lankan elements. Much hard work may be required to regain our lost image and goodwill, due to anti-Sri Lankan activities and lobbying.

The good news is our expatriates and friends are united and willing to take up the challenge. It is a difficult and uphill task as pro-LTTE activists are ruthless. The killing of two aid workers, agitation against taking preventive measures to protest civilly liberties of the general public is well calculated masterminded acts of treachery.

It is time the Leader of the Opposition to come to senses and cooperate with Mahinda, in order to resolve the North and East issue, without tarnishing the image of Sri Lanka and if necessary canvass for power as has been correctly done by his counterpart Conservatives in the United Kingdom.

We are confidant Mahinda Rajapaksa will be able to bring about a peaceful and stable settlement acceptable to all parties. He is able and capable and assisted by most political parties and the civil society.

This is the only final opportunity and it has to be grabbed by peace-loving citizens with the cooperation and well-wishers of the international community.

We urge the missions and some members of the world community who act contrary to diplomatic relations and accepted friendly norms and relations to re-think and help us to restore our lost image and prosperity.

It is also time for our own missions specially based in UK, Washington, India and EU to work with new vigour and strength with the help of the expatriate community. Now that the LTTE, UNP and interested parties work hard for the de-proscription of LTTE, it is the responsibility of England to lead the campaign against these sinister moves.

(The writer is a Solicitor, Attorney-at-Law Convener - Committee for International Law and International Relations - [email protected])


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