Motivation behind new invention
New Plex the wonder leg:
by Shanika Sriyananda

Pic by Kavindra Perera
He was the brave among his friends. When the war turned deadly taking
with it several lives of many youth he decided to join the army. The
daily news reports about terrorist attacks, bombs, destruction and loss
of innocent lives added more courage to start his new journey.
Born in the South, his first thoughts were his country. He wanted to
contribute his mite to the armed forces to protect the sovereignty of
the country.
This bright student, who left behind his studies, joined the Sri
Lanka Army to fight the terrorists. When he came on holidays from the
battle fields in the North and East he had lots of heroic tales to tell
his friends about our soldiers, who vanquished the LTTE. The war stories
inspired his friends as well to join the armed forces.
But one day this young hero, who was in the thick of Operation
Riviresa V, came home on a wheel chair. A claymore mine had taken
another toll. He had to live with his disability for the rest of his
life. The young man, who had earlier proudly walked to all corners of
the village telling heroic stories now confined himself to his room of
His friends were there to help him in his a chores.
Days turned to months and this young soldier Chandika Manopriya had
to put up a real struggle to adjust to his new way of life - a life
without a limb. Aruna Sajeewa Samarawickrama, Chandika's good friend,
who saw the pain of one losing his leg, had a dream that could shed
light to many. But he did not know then that his day dream of seeing his
best friend walking again will became a reality.
But Aruna's dream took him to the international community. Today he
is the proud recepient of the Silva Medal, which was awarded to him for
his new product - the artificial leg with more flexibility- at the 35th
International Inventors Competition held in Switzerland in 2005.
With no knowledge about science, being a commerce student of the
Sariputta Maha Vidyalaya, Matara, Aruna's new invention was solely based
on his imaginations. He first told about his blue print idea to a doctor
who runs a dispensary in Dambulla who encouraged him a lot to experiment
around. With his own research by reading about artificial limbs he first
used iron rods and nuts found in the garage, where he worked to earn his
Life was not so rosy to this young inventor who was born to a middle
class family and, who had to face the vicious circle of poverty due to
the untimely death of his father at a very young age. The three boys in
the family had to go through a lonely struggle as their mother went to
the Middle east to make their lives better by working as a housemaid.
"I could not continue with my studies as I had to shoulder the
responsibility as the eldest son in the family. I stopped doing A/Ls and
started to work at a relative's bakery to earn money to educate my two
younger brothers. We had a very hard time and can not remember the
number of times we slept with empty stomachs", Aruna says. But his eyes
sparkle now and grins talking about the present.
"Eththatama api thundena dan hondata innawa" (Really we lead better
lives now) he says. His new invention, the flexible artificial leg,
surely has taken him a long way than he expected. It has also brought
fame to Sri Lanka.
Now Aruna is living in another dream; to see people without legs,
walking comfortably wearing his artificial legs.
The speciality of his invention is that they are unlike the ones that
are presently available in the market. With the 'New Plex' legs one can
manoeuvre easily about. The ones that are sold in the market are not
specially made for locals.
They are made to general specifications, says Aruna. "The normal legs
are not designed according to different weights of people and because of
this the legs find it difficult to move.
The sole of the New Plex leg can be replaced when it is wasted", he
adds explaining that the New Plex is different, as he had taken into
consideration these factors while designing the leg, which is
Aruna's simple iron rod fixed artificial leg reached the final stages
after several modifications. At last Aruna tested his novel product with
his hero-friend Chandika. "It was the happiest moment in my life. He
walked and walked. He was very happy.
Only then I realized the importance of having both legs and how the
life of those who are without legs, can be changed with my new
invention", Aruna says with his eyes gleaming.
Brimming with hope, amidst a huge demand for the New Plex leg from
abroad, he still remains in Sri Lanka, still dreaming to create a way to
help, as he says, "Mage Rate kakul nethi ayata" (My own people who have
lost legs).
He is now awaiting help from the state or the private sector to set
up his own factory to manufacture artificial limbs, which he thinks can
bring in huge amount of foreign exchange to the country. " I can sell
this leg for Rs. 100,000 to our own people. I have received so many
offers from abroad and could sell them at the same price to the world
market", Aruna points out.
Thanking Deshamanya Lalith Kotelawela for his timely help Aruna says
that this dream may become a reality, on the day that he is able to
complete the manufacture of the New Plex leg, which is still stored in
his cupboard wrapped in a stocking cloth as he is unable to buy the
expensive raw material from China.
"This skin-like material is the closest to the human skin. I also
need to purchase titanium or carbon fibre for the mould. I need the
support to buy these things", he says.
Aruna says that he can prove that losing a leg is something one need
not worry about any more because the New Plex leg brings new light to
their lives. "They should not be isolated from the rest of the world.
This new leg can be used while doing sports. I tested it with disabled
soldiers and they said that they can play comfortably without feeling
any difference during sports".
This young man from the south is looking forward to the D_Day in his
life, when he receives his award as the Young Inventor of the country
shortly from President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
"Once I start manufacturing artificial limbs I would gift the first
product to Chandika, who was the inspiration behind the New Plex. I
wanted to launch a special program for our war heroes, where they could
get artificial legs free-of-charge", Aruna says.
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