Should we blame our stars?
by Samangie Wettimuny
The study of astrology involves an understanding of human nature to
a great extent, an ability to assess planetary movements accurately,
together with an insight into the seemingly unexplainable phenomena in
the universe.
As astrology says, the time at which a person is born is
predetermined by the cosmic energy and the karmic energy. As a result
life is not accidental. It is the result of the interconnection between
the person's karma and the energy force.
"My dear, this planetary change is good for your star sign." One of
my colleagues told me a few weeks ago ,busily keying an article on a
'major' planetary change which was about to take place. I nodded and let
her feel that I was happy since it was my sweet colleague's pet topic.
ithout questioning her, I asked myself. "Whether we believe in
astrology or not, everyone of us belongs to anyone of these twelve star
signs. Does that mean this planetary change is good/bad for everyone who
belongs to the same star alike?"
Star signs and its effects' remained an informal, yet a 'serious'
topic for a while, until one of our male colleagues revealed how the
star sign he got at his birth changed later.
What? Your star sign changed? That could never be true, you are mad"
- such were the talk until the poor guy came out with the truth." I was
a 'Leo' before marriage, but now I am a 'Taurus'. The 'serious' topic
thus came to a halt while I thought of a relative of mine whose wife
'changed over' from 'Virgo' to 'Leo' since he married her! Not a big
nyway Saturn has moved to the Lagna star 'Leo' now. Indeed it was a
'major' change. How do you feel 'Any better' or even worse though your
astrologer has predicted otherwise?
serious science

From the very early days, man has been fascinated by the stars
and has tried to find links between the stars and his own
destiny |
Astrology is a serious science. There's no doubt about that. From the
very early days, man has been fascinated by the stars and has tried to
find links between the stars and his own destiny. A skillful astrologer
can chart the course of one's life and then that person even can adjust
his/her life by engaging in meritorious deeds and taking precautionary
But what do you think of people who run to the astrologer ever so
often, even when they have a dream? "Mrs. Perera visits her astrologer
twice a week just as I do my shopping!
Once I met her on the road busily running to meet him as she had had
a bad dream. She is in her early fifties now, but I do not see any
progress in her life. She is a spinster, ever in debt. I'm sure she'll
win a Gold medal if we ever had a 'gossiping' competition!" says her
neighbour, Sachindra, a young medical officer.
I know of a better case where the mother keeps on postponing her
daughter's marriage saying that this 'periods' bad for her. "Last year
the astrologer has said this year is good. But when my mother visited
him this year he has said' next year; is good. I wonder whether that
'good' year will ever come" moans her daughter, twenty - four year old
Nadeeka while her frustrated lover is fuming!
But as retired medical officer Mr. Nanayakkara says "Astrology is a
serious subject. But the problem is nowadays we hardly get people who
are thorough in that field. Anyway there are very good astrologers
though I can't name them here."
He is a person who has made his life by following the instructions of
an eminent astrologer. "Several years ago he exactly predicted my
future. He told me where weaknesses lie and where to adjust." This man
never panicked, but moulded his life better by engaging in meritorious
Charlatans would anyway give astrology a bad name. Fifty year old
Palitha was a victim of such a man. "Whenever I go to him, he says
Saturn is at the 'wrong' place (he wasn't quite sure of that anyway).
Then he'd say I should wear a talisman." Poor Palitha then worries
about finding a person who can do wonders through a talisman. "I can do
it myself" the cunning astrologer would then say looking at Palitha's
brand new Volvo........
Even the people who scoff at astrology, seek its assistance on the
sly. "My husband laughed at me when I went to my astrology class
sometime back.
But now when something bad happens, he'd ask me to read his
horoscope" a retired school teacher told me laughingly.
Anyway since the opportunity only knocks at the door, but never
breaks the lock to gain entrance, you'll be always counting the stars if
you let those stars guide you entirely. Then, as William Shakespeare
said the fault is not in our stars, but ourselves!
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