Speaking to the imagination...
"Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until
they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
by Anushka Nanayakkara
It was an evening filled with beautiful women from all over the
world, dressed in sparkling gowns.

Nadeeka Perera - International Best Female Model 2007
Pic by Kavindra Perera |
The excitement, the curiosity and the throbbing hearts were not alien
to them. That unforgettable moment, when one woman will be crowned as
"The International Best Female Model-2007". The second, the third runner
ups were called... and yet hope was not shattered for one glamorous
She already carried four mini titles in the event; namely Miss Cat
Walk, Miss photogenic, Best National Costume and Miss Glamour. This
young model did not just look beautiful in her evening gown; she looked
The Dark deep secret inside the envelope was yet to be revealed. The
eyes of the whole world settled on one spot. "Ladies and Gentlemen the
title of the International Best Female Model 2007" goes to Nadeeka
Samanmali Perera from Sri Lanka......
She stepped away from the crowd and carried herself like a princess,
saying a million prayers of gratitude for bringing her to the top of the
world. Nadeeka one of the world's number one models who was once
referred to as a young Sofia Lorainne was crowned as " International
Best Female Model-2007".
Nadeeka Perera was born and grew up in Colombo. Having successfully
completed a professional course in modelling she entered into the
fashion world by becoming a professional model. Nadeeka always wanted to
be included in the fashion world and with some encouragement she entered
Capri Queen in 2004 as she had the right height.
When she was chosen first runner up, Miss Geraldine Bandaranayaka
took her under her wing till she entered the Miss Sri Lanka for Miss
world contest. In the year 2005, she was crowned as Miss Sri Lanka.
After winning the crown she represented the nation for the Miss World
Since then she has participated in the Model of the Year 2006 contest
and having won the title, represented Sri Lanka in Alcante, Spain and
won the title of International Best Female Model for 2007.
Later on she started following a beauty culture course and sharpened
her knowledge to expose herself into the world in the line of modelling.
Nadeeka had the passion for designing from the beginning not just
because she had the talent but had a taste for creativity. She was
different and was never afraid of the challenges.
In her life there was always one thing which she believed in, having
faith in herself and over coming the obstacles that were in her path.
Whenever she can and had time she always convinced other women to
believe how easy it is to realize one's dreams than it is to suffer in
Recalling her milestones in the industry she shows that it wasn't a
path of red roses, but the thorns were well recognized by Nadeeka who
was able to reach the highest in the fashion world. With all the thorns
which tried to prick her, she became stronger than before and the only
weapons this beautiful model used were her prayers and her undying
determination. And in the end Nadeeka was able to go into the history
books by being the first Sri Lankan woman to have won first place in
this category.
With her talent and courage she was able to bring Sri Lanka into the
top of the world, where the eyes of the world set on one beautiful woman
which reminds us of the song "Could You be the most beautiful girl in
the world, its plain to see you're the reason that god made a girl".
Miss Sri Lanka 2004, popular, contemporary movie actress Anarkali
Akarsha told Sunday Observer, that she would like to wish Nadeeka for
her victory and that she is glad that Nadeeka got an opportunity to
represent the country for the second time.
Anarkali also said when she crowned her as Miss Sri Lanka in 2005,
that she did hope one day Nadeeka would be able to reach the top.
Further more she said the fame she brought the country is remarkable and
hopes the future beauty queens in Sri Lanka will be able to win many
more titles.
SAAF medallist and Director of Rainbow Swimming Academy, Julian
Bolling said that he was very glad to be in the panel of judges when
they picked Nadeeka as Miss Sri Lanka.
Though the committee broke into two with the decision, the majority
of points were in her favour, fortunately for our country. He also said
that she has an inspirational story behind her and is a go getter, and
the women of today should take her as an example.
Former Miss Sri Lanka Anjela Senavirathne said, apart from the main
title Nadeeka brought so much recognition by carrying four more mini
titles first time ever in the Sri Lankan fashion industry. Anjela said
personally knowing Nadeeka, that she is very happy to see her
achievements and that this is just one opening to the international
Super Movie Hero and Model Roshan Ranawana said Nadeeka's victory is
like a dream which has come true for our country. Commenting further he
said that surely the task has not been an easy one. But with Nadeeka's
commitment, our country was fortunate enough to receive this kind of
Roshan also said unfortunately the Sri Lankan media has not given
enough publicity for these kind of events. At least now the time has
come to give the right support for the new comers. Finally Roshan hoped
this victory will be a boost for the beginners, who have a passion for
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