WB provides Rs. 5.5 b for rehabilitation
by Anura Maitipe
The World Bank has granted financial assistance to the tune of Rs.
5.5 billion to implement rehabilitation and reconstruction work in areas
affected by the tsunami and war in the country, Minister of
Re-habilitation, Reconstruction and Estate Development Susantha
Punchinilame told the Sunday Observer.
This allocation was made by the World Bank despite efforts by the UNP
leadership to thwart financial assistance to Sri Lanka to uplift
infrastructure facilities in the Northern and the Eastern Provinces
which had been destroyed by separatist war and the tsunami disaster.
In addition to these two Provinces this project will also cover some
areas in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Moneragala and the Puttalam
The Government has taken the initiative to complete this project
within three years, the Minister said, The Minister also said, over
12,700 families have been displaced in the Northern and Eastern
Provinces and most of these families have returned to their ancestral
villages during the past few months.
Twenty-four per cent of these people are living on income derived
from the fishing industry and the rest on agriculture selling their
produce. Now these people need Government support to restart their
Housing facilities have been already provided but other
infrastructure facilities such as road networks, irrigation systems,
electricity and sanitation facilities which had been neglected for the
past two decades will have to be restored in the Eastern and the
Northern Provinces. All affected families in these areas will benefit by
the project.