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DateLine Sunday, 23 September 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

I am ready to accept any judgement - Mervyn Silva

Deputy Labour Minister, and Kelaniya SLFP Organiser Mervyn Silva.

SO: Minister what's latest?

Minister: Well. I have some assigned duties as a minister and as the SLFP Organiser for an electorate. But, some are forcing me to do some other things which I have never dreamt of doing.

SO: Who forced you to do such things?

Minister: There are many. I am a man of principles. Last week, I told in Parliament, if I have done anything wrong, I would not stay a second in Parliament. I respect the judiciary and I don't want to disturb its duties in any way.

SO: In such a situation, why you have become a news maker for the media?

Minister: I do not know on what principles the media work. But I have my own good principles. How Anagarika Dharmapala worked hard for the Buddhism? But what did he receive from the country? Nothing. He is from the South. I have the same blood. I do my duty for the country as a politician and I do not expect anything back.

SO: But, the UNP is trying to bring a motion against you. How did it happen?

Minister: I've already told you that I respect the judiciary. I am ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of the truth. Now will you tell me, how the UNP respect the judiciary? Judges' houses were stoned. Court houses were locked. That is what they did. At least, did they know how to behave in Parliament. I will tell you, I am ready to accept any judgement at anytime and I will not appeal against it. That is Mervyn Silva.

SO: You spoke about media principles.

Minister: Yes Deepal. I am a person who was fortunate to associate a lot of great media personnel in the country. I have very good friends in the media who are doing a yeomen service for the country. There is one TV channel which makes a shameful attempt to topple the government. I also feel they have got a contract to destroy the country's culture. They have personal agendas and the assassination of Mervyn Silva is an item in the major contract.

SO: What about your political activities in your electorate?

Minister: Well. The electorate was like an orphan when I took over. It was suffering from malnutrition and several other diseases. I have remedied all the diseases and begun the development work in the electorate. It is just not entertaining the party members but all will be participate in the development programs.

SO: Will you be using your privileges as an MP in your son's problem?

Minister: I have never used and I will never use my privileges for my son's issue. But I have another thing to ask you all. Does only the Mervyn Silva's son misbehave? Why this kind of publicity only for my son? It is unfair and very bad. If you are experienced enough, you would notice children first play havoc in the village school. This tradition came to the university, then to the law college, and the medical college. Some brought it to Parliament too.

SO: What kind of judgement do you expect?

Minister: I don't want to talk about it as it is before the courts. I know he is innocent. But, I want to say you, Mervyn is a man like the sea. It accepts all the garbage without a word and cleans itself pushing all the garbage to the beach. It's me, Mervyn Silva.

'Forget party colours and do the right thing'

JVP Parliamentarian K. D. Lalkantha

SO: Mr. Lalkantha, what is the latest in the National Front which you are harbouring these days?

MP: Well, a lot of people are disappointed with the ongoing political situation in the country. They have understood that there is no alternative other than forming a National Front where there will be no politics.

SO: By now, how is the progress?

MP: We have held over 8000 meetings all over the island educating the public. Then, we meet all other sectors of the society. This is completely free from politics. I think within the next two to three weeks we'll be able to announce the special Board appointed for the purpose.

SO: What would be their task and would it be another process like the APRC?

MP: No. The main difference is that it is free from politics. This is not something owned or led by the JVP. After the Board is appointed we are also a partner in the process. Then they will be working to formulate national policies for all the important sectors of the country. Almost all the countries have their own policies which do not change when the regime changes. APRC is looking for a referendum over the North-East problem, but the "National Front" will first find ways of strengthening the country's economy.

SO: The JVP supported this government to come to power. But recently you had said that what "we have now is a UNP-SLFP government". What did you mean by it?

MP: That is true. We assisted Chandrika once and we did something. As usual we supported Mahinda Rajapaksa too. On principle we can't further support it. Therefore, we have to stay. At present, the government is run by SLFP and 43 UNP MPs.

SO: Are you worried over making Mahinda Rajapaksa President of this country.

MP: No, never. We are happy about what we did in the past. Because, we, the public had some victories due to the appointment of Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Eastern Province was cleared by the Rajapaksa government. It is a historic matter to be happy. But, where the government failed was the regarding the country's economy. If we did not help Mahinda Rajapaksa, Ranil Wickremesinghe would have ruined the economy as well the military efforts in the North and the East.

SO: Do you suggest a snap election?

MP: Why? The government's failure in the economic sphere cannot be the only reason for having an election. It is unfair. On the other hand you have to think about several other factors. Do people want an election? The cost, what would happen in the war front and several other issues such as the cost of living.

SO: Then the budget 2008 is coming. What would be the JVP's reaction?

MP: It will completely depend on the content of the budget proposals. We would support the government only if it fulfils people's aspirations.

SO: Do you have any message for the public?

MP: Yes, forget colours and the parties. When you favour one colour, you can't see the darker points of that colour. Be a citizen of this country and do the right thing when the "National Front" seeks your views.

[email protected]


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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