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DateLine Sunday, 7 October 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Ecosystem at war with modernity

Weeds have always been a perennial problem to farmers worldwide. Yet, never has the problem been so intense as today. The intensity of urbanization and modern agricultural practices itself have led to reducing numbers of the multitude of natural enemies in the eco system.

While whirring of machines in fields drives away insects that eat up weeds, even the application of weedicides, pesticides and what not-all part of modern farming have destroyed weed eating insects - not to forget large scale clearing of land for agro/industrial and habitat purposes.

The coin's other side is the need for large agricultural output facilitated by modern agricultural practices to feed the world's teeming billions. Traditional practices would not help in this direction with such practices being renowned for limited output.

Apart from food the world's population demands for shelter too is on the rise - invariably warranting large scale land clearing. Against this backdrop comes the need for sustainable development to balance the demand for more and more food/shelter and the over-exploitation of the global eco-system.

Nevertheless how far we could go in achieving this state is highly questionable what with the US itself refusing to sign the Kyoto protocol. Be that as it may, in the global army of agricultural experts are weed scientists whose collective concern into achieving sustainable development through natural methods of weed control should not only get top priority in national agro-policy formulation but successfully implemented as well every step of the way.

The commitment of world agriculturists into eco-friendliness and one political giant insistent on global supremacy are two highly polarized states. What President George Bush sees is the need for himself to be perched up there at the apex of political power. What he does not see is its collapse when he himself is pulling the carpet under his feet by ruining the very earth on which he stands to crow over his political might.

Organisational groups such as the Weed Scientists Society founded in 1967 have a major role to play in apart from educating fellow weed experts on biology and weed control, to also impress upon international political and economic elite the need to de-politicize their policies in achieving - sustainable development.

Professor Buddhi Marambe Peradeniya University's Agriculture Departmental Dean in an interview with the Sunday Observer on the eve of the 21st assembly of Worldwide Weed Scientists at the Galle Face Hotel recently said of all the biological constraints in agricultural activity, weeds are the most significant. Besides, weeds and crops standing cheek by jowl is detrimental to crops itself because apart from crop damage weeds also take in very much the same or more components of limited natural resources such as water, sunlight, nutrients and space.

The weed scientists' conference aims at exchanging views on environment friendly ways of controlling weeds instead of the present day technique of chemical based application - harmful to the environment and soil as well.

Philippines for instance adopts biological methods to control weeds and pests. Spiders reportedly eat up all pests in paddy fields.

According to Professor Marambe, Invasive Alien Species are brought into countries which proliferation cannot be done away with when the country concerned has no natural control system to handle it. This was the case with Salvinia - introduced in this country in 1939 by a local scientist. Today, there's no water body left in Sri Lanka devoid of its infestation.

The infamous Japan Jabara brought to Peradeniya gardens by the then Hong Kong Governor's wife for its exotic characteristic has also done irreparable damage.

No financial investment over 100 years has helped in its eradication. Unless new technology is found, we would never be able to totally rid Invasive Alien Species.

Invasive Alien species according to Professor Marambe could come in through international trade and even scientists and academics trying to be too smart. "It could also make its appearance purely by accident or even intentional as well," he added.

However, in majority of cases it happens via botanical gardens, seed and planting material exchange programmes as well. In fact the free market economic policies have facilitated to a great extent the entry of invasive alien species.

Currently he believes Sri Lanka has become home to 28 invasive alien flora and 13 such fauna. Fourteen of the world's worst invasive alien species-ten flora and four fauna, reportedly are within the Sri Lankan geographical entity. Professor Marambe regretted that despite many ordinances and laws enacted governing imports of flora and fauna, its effective implementation is yet to be realized.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service

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