John Keells Hotels take over three Confifi Hotels
John Keells Hotels PlC(KHL) acquired three hotels of the Confifi
Group on October 3 .
The acquisition would complement KHL's existing portfolio of hotels
and strengthen its presence in the southern coastal belt of Sri Lanka.
The three Confifi hotels stand to benefit from KHL's strong sales and
marketing network and would reap operating synergies from being part of
a larger group of hotels, said the Chairman of KHL, Susantha Ratnayake.
KHL has also offered to purchase the land in Beruwela owned by
Confifi Beach Hotel (CBH) for Rs.148.4 million subject to title
clearance, based on a valuation by Chartered Valuation Surveyor, P.B.
Kalugalagedera in a report dated January 31, 2006. |