Launching of IPM - National HRM award
The Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (IPM-SL), the premier
Professional Institute, representing the Human Resource Management
discipline in Sri Lanka, provided the initiative and leadership to
organise and conduct the National HRM award in 2002 and 2004 to
recognise the Sri Lankan corporates professing the best HR practices as
a part of their organisational process.
IPM-SL recently decided to re-launch this event of National
significance incorporating new dimensions of HR as revealed from the
survey of the worlds' best HR practices conducted by the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development UK (CIPD).
Under this IPM-SL would learn from the experience of three leading HR
professional institutes of the world, namely, Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development UK, Singapore Human Resource Institute (SHRI)
and Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI) who have conducted
similar national competitions.
The three organisations along with IPM-SL are members of the World
Federation of Personnel Management Associations. Sri Lanka is the
immediate Past President of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human
Resource Management of which the Singapore and Australian Institutes are
members. |