Man behind Lankan voice in Europe
by Ranga Chandrarathne
Although thousands of Sri Lankans domiciled in Europe have been
living away from their beloved motherland for generation, one of the
principle concerns in their rather isolated lives is the ceaseless
thirst for information and news on Sri Lanka in general and of other Sri
Lankans scattered across the Europe in particular.

Akshin Punchihewa |
For years the only sources they had, were personal IDD numbers of
their kith and kin in Sri Lanka and scantly and often stale second hand
information received from visiting Sri Lankan relations.
The situation turned bad to worse ever since the fighting broke out
between terrorists and the army in North and East as the Sri Lankan
community felt the heat waves of terrorism in Sri Lanka.
Often scattered in diverse parts of the Europe, it was extremely
difficult task for Sri Lankans to communicate with one another and to
keep the common thread of interaction in terms of culture, heritage,
trade and services as an ethnic community in UK and Europe.
Unlike other ethnic communities in Europe and UK such as Pakistani,
Indian, Bengali, Sri Lankan community hasn't had either a community
radio or a TV channel, although there are several Tamil channels which
are often sympathetic to separatism. As an ethnic group Sinhalese had
absolutely no voice in Europe.
This has been substantially contributory to making second and third
generation Sri Lankans gradual alienating and keeping away from their
rich cultural and linguistic heritage compelling parents to rely on
Dhamma schools and conducting classes for Sinhalese.
Several initiatives by Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan companies to set up
TV channels such as Sirasa, New Sri Lanka, Watt-on were unsuccessful and
Sri Lankans were thoroughly disappointed by the Sinhalese channels.
It was against this back drop that Akshin Punchihewa established a
media group consisting of Lanka-Udaanaya Radio Programme, Lanka Today
bi-lingual newspaper and LakRuwa TV in UK and Europe.
Commenting on the humble start of the group which has now become a
platform for linking expatriate Sri Lankans across Europe, providing
much-needed information on current affairs, culture, lifestyles and
investment opportunities, Punchihewa was of the view that still Sri
Lankan entrepreneurs, especially in the spheres of Real state
development such as high risers and condominiums and in the tourism,
have not exploited the market potentials of the media group as it has
European access.
In 1995, Punchihewa established the now popular Lanka-Udaanaya
Sinhala programme over the European waves and the programme consisted of
the daily news bulletin, cultural programmes and community messages of
over 200,000 Sri Lankan house-holds in Europe.
On the strength of thirteen years of experience as a broadcaster,
Punchihewa ventured into establishing a bilingual newspaper Lanka-Today
with Sinhala and English articles, free of charge.
Now the newspaper has become a primary source of information on Sri
Lanka among Sri Lankan community in UK. The LakRuwa TV programme
commenced in November 2006, on SKY DIGITAL 826. This channel is also
free of charge.
This is a potential market for Sri Lankan property developers, Banks
who are interested in encouraging Sri Lankans to open NRFC accounts,
hoteliers and allied service providers from booking for local
accommodation as expatriate Sri Lankans who visit their relative at
least once a year, emphasised Punchihewa on the enormous business
potentials offered by the media network.
Currently the group is patronized by religious institutions, Banks,
Shops, Associations, Clubs and over 200,000 Sri Lankan households in
Europe. Apart from the daily update of news, the LaKRuwa TV telecast
best documentaries on Sri Lanka, programmes on history, heritage and
lifestyle, tele-drama, films and Educational and Sports programmes.
As Sri Lankans are enveloped in isolation in busy and fast moving
Europe, they tend to love Sri Lanka, remembering Sri Lanka the bellowed
motherland. This nostalgia is shared by Sri Lankans of all races and
religions and they are in thirst of information on their kith and kin
and the development in the spheres of cultural, politics and lifestyle
in Sri Lanka.
The Asian Tsunami was an occasion when Sri Lankan community in UK and
Europe showed solidarity as they collected large sums of money and sent
them either to relations or to institutions in Sri Lanka.
Especially, the Sri Lankan parents pay attention to their second
generation Sri Lankan offspring and insist on them learning Sinhala and
religion, resulting in most of the Sri Lankans interacting in Sinhalese
though some of them had never been to Sri Lanka.
One of the principle bottlenecks of LaKRuwa TV was obtaining quality
programmes from Sri Lanka which would also suit the wider European
audience. Punchihewa reminded that in order to get programmes, intense
negotiations had to be carried out with four major TV production houses
in Sri Lanka.
First, Swarnawahini tied up with LakRuwa TV offering quality latest
productions free of charge while LakRuwa TV provided Europe wide
coverage. He reminded with gratitude the intervention made by President
Mahinda Rajapaksa in securing production from Rupavahini and ITN.
The productions are entertained by LaKRuwa TV on the basis that the
TV stations provide the latest production at no cost, in return LaKRuwa
provides faire coverage for them.
The cornerstone of the vision of LaKRuwa TV is the promotion of
indigenous culture, language under the motto "Our goods, our Services
and our products and our people".
Akshin Punchihewa was born in Tanzania to British-Sri Lankan parents
and he spent a large part of his adulthood in Sri Lanka before returning
to the United Kingdom.
Akshin Punchihewa request Sri Lankan establishments, business
personnel and especially the entrepreneurs in construction and tourism
make use of the communication platform painstakingly created by him, to
attract investments and holiday makers in Europe as the communication
network has a European reach with, perhaps, the cheapest rating for Sri
Lankans. LaKRuwa TV can be contacted at
[email protected] |