Holy Mother's shrine at Ramakrishna Mission
A shrine for Holy Mother Sarada Devi has been built by the
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission (Lanka branch) at 59, Vivekananda Road
Colombo 6 on 11th October, its Consecration ceremony is to be performed
by Ven. Pravrajika Sharaddhaprana Mataji, President, Sri Sarada Math and
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Dakshineshwar, Kalkata, India. Ven.
Pravrajika Amalaprana Mataji, general secretary, along with four other
Sanniyasinies of the order will also be there to grace this holy
The ceremony commencing on Thursday will be followed by a spiritual
initiation to devotees, Thiruvillakku Puja and Satsangam on Friday and
Saturday and a public function on Sunday morning at the Ramakrishna
Mission Hall, where President Ven. Mataji will preside; while Ven.
Ramaprana Mataji, President at branch Math, Chennai, will deliver
speeches and Ven. Bikkuni Suvimali, Sakyadita Training and Meditation
Centre, Moratuwa and Miss Mala Sabaratnam, Deputy Chairperson, Celinco
Consolidated will be the guests of honour. |