'Now there is political stability'
Jathika Hela Urumaya former MP Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhitha Thera
SO: How is your political life after resigning from Parliament?
Ven. Thera: Well I resigned from Parliament to make way for Mr.
Champika Ranawaka to be sworn in as a MP. Now, I engage myself mainly in
Buddhist activities.
SO: What do you think of the present political situation of the
Ven. Thera: Unlike any other period, the country at present has a
political stability. The present leadership is in the process of
eradicating terrorism. That positive situation affects all other areas
such as the economy, society, culture and so on.
SO: But, the public is facing it difficult to live as the cost of
living is so high. Has the JHU taken any positive steps on that?
Ven. Thera: Yes. Depending on the situations, the JHU has discussed
with the respective authorities. But, we can't prevent some of the
factors which resulted in high COL which are due to the international
trade behaviour. At the same time, we have a criticism against the
government too. We have a large Cabinet in addition to the large number
of non-cabinet ministers.
SO: Again the "Federalism" is the talk of the town. What do you think
about this word-battle?
Ven. Thera: I personally do not believe in that that is the UNP's
true face. After failing with all other slogans, now they are going to
reject federalism which they represented not only in the country but
internationally too. That is their latest tactic to cheat the public.
SO: Why do you say it is a tactic by the UNP?
Ven. Thera: Almost all the UNP leaders had attractive slogans except
the present leader. Now, he is trying with this. In due course, he will
also say, "Prabhakaran is a terrorist and he should be killed". That is
the only thing left for him to say.
SO: After campaigning for Mahinda Rajapaksa's victory, you were
entrusted with only one ministry. Are you satisfied with it?
Ven. Thera: Yes, of course. That is more than enough. We will do our
best for the country.
SO: What do you think of being a politician at least for a shorter
Ven. Thera: I have nothing to worry about what we did in the past. I
felt we did something which was needed by whole the country. You
imagine, unless we assist Mahinda Rajapaksa to be in the President of
the country, we will have to live in a devided country. Today people in
the North and the East have a sigh of release because of that decision.
The soldiers have completely stopped fleeing from the army. The
recruitment process for the forces is more satisfactory than any other
time. Therefore what we did was right thing for the country.
SO: Would you expect a people friendly budget in next month?
Ven. Thera: Yes. We have given our proposals also for the budget
'Even the media has painted a wrong picture of me'
Livestock Resource Development Deputy Minister and ex-SLMC National
Organiser, K. A. Baiz
SO: Is that true that the SLMC has suspended you in all the posts you
held in the party?
Dep. Minister: Yes. They have taken a sudden decision to do so.
Anyway, an inquiry would follow.
SO: Actually, what took place between you and the Minister Bathiudeen?
Dep. Minister: In that particular meeting which was held to discuss
about the housing scheme funded by the World Bank he lost his temper. He
behaved shamefully blaming and threatening a Provincial Council member
and I left the place.
SO: But what the Minister Bathiudeen said was you asked for a 35 per
cent of housing units for your supporters. What is that story?
Dep. Minister: Well. I asked him to allocate a few housing units for
the original Puttalam people while the bigger part goes to the refugees.
I think that is the accepted way allowing some for the original
residents who do not have a permanent place. It cannot be wrong. I did
not ask for my supporters, but my people in the district. I was the
mayor for several years for Puttalam. I know their pulse as well as the
SO: Now, what kind of action can be taken by you?
Dep. Minister: Well. Before all I have to face the party's inquiry on
me. Even the media have painted a wrong picture of me with a gun. But it
was not me, but the Minister Bathiudeen who threatened the so-called
provincial council member and others.
SO: Then how did the media publish a picture and run television
footage in which you held a pistol?
Dep. Minister: When I was addressing my people to ask them to stop
the Hartal which they themselves began someone told me that the Minister
and his henchmen had come with guns. Then only I took out my pistol out
and I told them, I too have a licensed pistol. If they were to use any
legal or illegal weapons I can use mine for my safety. That is the real
SO: You said that the Hartal was decided by the people. Why?
Dep. Minister: Yes. Three organisations including a religious one in
the Puttalam District have organised it to show their agitation over the
Resettlement Minister's decision. And I want to tell you, most of the
displaced people in Puttalam now have become its own citizens there as
they are there for over 18 years. They run shops, vehicles and a lots of
businesses. In this incident, they were also with me. They know how, I
have treated them.
SO: You are saying that you did not force them to close their shops.
Dep. Minister: Yes. Why should I? They love me. They know that I am a
man from the Puttalam soil who never illtreated them. I did not get a
single complaint from them throughout the last many years. Anyway, I
don't like Minister Bathiudeen's involvement in Puttalam District
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