Voyage through the universe
Encourage your child to read:
by Shanika Sriyananda
"Poor and deprived of many things in life, the two brothers survived
with the meagre daily wage that their mother earned as a domestic aide.
Their mother who knew the value of books, thought that 'there will be a
future for my boys if I can introduce them to books.

Pic : Saman Sri Wedage |
And so she virtually dragged them to the nearest library'.
"Later the brothers came to know that their mother was illiterate.
They were amazed and remembered how she made them write reports about
the books that she borrowed from the library. She was not able to read
the reports written by them, but without showing her ignorance, she
encouraged her boys to write more".
Thus ends the story of the two readers. In an era where the infamous
'idiot box' (ib) has killed the pleasures of reading, many young
parents, who run a rat race with busy schedules are also ignorant about
the value of reading thanks to the same 'ib', which keeps their lives
going with round the clock tele-dramas.
"Why is reading important to your child today?" retired English
teacher and former Teacher Trainer at the Maharagama Teacher Training
School and now the Head of the English Department of a leading
International school Marini Fernando questions, and gives the answer
"because it is a good exercise to the mind. Like the body, the mind
needs exercise too.
When you read something you visualize it. Then your brain begins to
function. It's a ship. Children should enjoy being on this ship", she
explains adding that the books ('the ship') will take the children to
lands in far places.
"If you get on to this ship you can go anywhere in this world. It is
the writing that takes you there. People know about the world not only
by travelling; they know so much about the world by reading.
On the other hand she says that books are the best friends of
children. Avid readers know what this is. Your books become your
friends. I still have my best friends, the books that I have read as a
child. Teach your children to love their books.
Whenever they go on trips they should take a book with them. I am
talking about reading for joy or reading for the love of it. There is a
difference between reading for examinations and reading for joy".
According to Fernando, the parents have a role to play by cultivating
reading habits among their children. She says that 'reading to your
child should start as soon as possible', if the parents want their
children to do well at school, become good decision makers and be
capable personalities. "Stable reading habits start at home.
Seeing you read, seeing books around, having books and reading
materials easily at hand, your child will grow in an environment which
encourages his or her reading habits. The most important thing is that
you should read aloud to your child.
It is very sad sometimes, the way some parents interpret this
message. After one seminar, which I held for parents of grade one
students on developing their reading habits, some parents had sent their
children to a class to improve their reading skills.
They have got somebody else to read for their children. I felt very
sad. It is of great importance that the parents should read to their
child", she says because this will strengthen the relationship between
children and their parents.
She says that many parents with busy schedules often complain that
they lack time to be with their children. But everybody has 24-hours.
It's a case of giving priority. If we have time to watch a cricket
match, the favourite tele drama or go shopping, why not keep a few
minutes for the children and reading.
Remember, in 25- years time your child will no longer be a child. One
year of a child's life is a long span and lots of changes are taking
place. So if you miss it now, you will miss it for life".
Fernando says that reading books will bring miracles to children's
lives and they will experience the joy and fun of reading together. When
you do it on a daily basis it will help improve the child's ability in
reading, writing, speaking, listening and imagining.
According to her, reading aloud is important for value development
and it is a pleasant way of teaching what is right and wrong than
preaching. She also explains that, the reading habit will develop their
communication skills too. By talking about lessons learnt from the
stories you read, you will help them learn lessons which are useful to
them in their day to day lives.
"There is no language without literature. Sometimes we think that if
we know the grammar we know all the parts of the language. Do we? I do
not think so. Because the beauty of any language is it's literature.
If you do not read literature whether it is English, Sinhala or
Tamil, we do not know that language as a whole. That's why avid readers
have no problems with their grammar. This is my experience. I never had
any problems with grammar or spelling, because I have seen all of them
in the novels and books that I have read.
"What I have observed is that avid readers always know much more than
the others. Why? Because they have a way of collecting information and
adding them into the language. They can judge something very early.
They will have strong personalities with wide perspectives. They
assimilate different opinions and ideas and they are much more open in
their own judgements. This is very important for the development of
personality as well.
Fernando complains that today's children lack role models in their
lives. When you read, you become the role models and your child will
proudly imitate you. That's what happened in my home.
My role model is my father, who used to read lots of books and then I
become the role model for my son and my son is now the role model for my
little granddaughter who is two years old. Now she has her favourite
book with her goes because her father carries a book with him. When I
ask my students if they have seen their parents read it is sad to say
that only one or two will say 'yes'.
Most are surprised, she says adding that reading aloud to your child
cultivates in the young person the ability to concentrate, think
clearly, listen and pay attention. Fernando advices the parents to start
reading to the children with a simple story book; one which the child
enjoys and fits the child's age.
"Sit in a corner, where it is comfortable away from distractions of
the TV and radio and other members of the family. "My message for
parents is read with your child and read to your child aloud at least
ten minutes every day".
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