Myanmar door ajar to junta-Suu Kyi talks

YANGON, (Reuters)
The door to talks between Myanmar's ruling generals and detained
democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appeared to be ajar on Saturday as
Western powers piled pressure on the regime to begin a dialogue with the
Speaking to reporters after briefing the U.N. Security Council on his
four-day visit to Myanmar, special envoy Ibrahim Gambari said he saw a
"window of opportunity" for possible talks between the junta and Suu Kyi,
who met Gambari twice in Yangon, where she is under house arrest.
"From my own conversation, she appears to be very anxious to have a
proper dialogue" provided there were no preconditions, Gambari said.
Senior General Than Shwe, who outraged the world by sending in
soldiers to crush peaceful monk-led demonstrations, has offered direct
talks if Suu Kyi abandoned "confrontation" and her support for sanctions
and "utter devastation".
Myanmar analysts caution against optimism as hopes of change in the
past have been dashed so often in 45 years of unbroken military rule
punctuated by the army killing 3,000 people in crushing an uprising in
Two years later, Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy won a
landslide election victory which the generals ignored and she has spent
12 of the last 18 years in detention.
But NLD spokesman Nyan Win, who initially rejected Than Shwe's offer
as unreal, said on Saturday it could open the door to talks about talks.
"We can say it is a significant improvement on the past situation.
They have never committed themselves to talking to her," Nyan Win said.
There has been no word from the 62-year-old Suu Kyi, who is confined
without a telephone and requires official permission, granted rarely, to
receive visitors.
However, in what appeared to another move aimed at deflecting
international anger, state-television broadcast rare footage of Suu Kyi
for the first time in four years on Friday night.
It referred to her respectfully as "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi", a
departure from past practice when her father's name, Aung San, was
dropped to deny her link to the nation's independence hero.
Official newspapers on Saturday quoted a senior junta official as
telling the U.N. envoy "anti-government groups should compromise and
adjust their policies".
In New York, Britain, France and the United States, which is pushing
for tougher sanctions against the regime, circulated a draft statement
to the Security Council which demanded the junta free political
detainees and talk to the opposition.
A statement has no legal force, but if a strongly worded text were
approved by China, until now Myanmar's closest ally on the council, it
would send a forceful message to the junta.
Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, U.N. special rapporteur for human rights in
Myanmar, said he was hopeful of international action given the strong
consensus at the Human Rights Council, where even China and Russia
agreed to a condemnatory resolution.
Pinheiro has been denied a visa to visit Myanmar for four years, but
he said he was still hoping to go and that there were positive signs
despite the resistance of China and Russia against Security Council
"Let's not despair at this moment," he said.
"I can't guarantee that something positive will happen but I think
that we are living at a moment where things are moving and perhaps this
famous 'international community' will have some effect."
State television said the junta was hunting four monks it accused of
leading the protests, more evidence that its ruthless crackdown against
its biggest challenge in 20 years is not over. |