Science Fiction:
by Sajitha Prematunge
'He speaks!' 'He speaks!' 'He speaks!' echoed all the minds of the
New World simultaneously 'But why' 'But why' 'But why'. Maybe he's a
mutation they thought. But then again he is also telepathic. But why
talk at all when you can just communicate through telepathy? Erkin felt
All the adults were starring at him. He knew he had done something
irreversible; he knew that he was not supposed to talk. But it was only
a game. His friends dared him to talk, because none of them could. So he
blurted out 'm...o...o...n' his first word in public like a one year old
baby of the Old World, looking at the round pink barren disc over head
the only remaining satelite circling the New World.

People of the New World stopped speaking even before it was
christened the New World after the old world was destroyed by the impact
caused by the planets collision with an asteroid.
For those of the New World who were aware of the history of Old World
it was clear that the discovery of telepathy was no accident, nor was it
the result of any research. Man just reached a state of intelligence
that would allow him to communicate through telepathy.
At first it raised havoc but later more and more people were able to
communicate through telepathy. It's true that when a certain species
stop making the use of a certain ability, it becomes extinct.
There came a time when talking was no longer necessary, communicating
through telepathy was more effective because it had no language barrier,
and with the passage of time the inhabitants of the New World totally
forgot how to speak. That was nearly 7,000 years ago.
Poor Erkins parent knew about his special talent. He started talking
when he was just three! But they were careful to keep it to them selves.
They couldn't fathom what would happen if the others discovered that
their son could speak. They would treat him like a total freak. Well now
it was too late, he has been discovered.
'We will have to see what is wrong with you.' Thought the oldest in
the crowd of adults, frowning. Erkin squinted, not just because of the
bright lights in the interrogation room, but because he understood -
through his ability of mind reading common to all inhabitants of the New
World - what the old man meant.
'But I didn't do anything wrong' It sounded lame to even Erkin own
mind as he thought it. 'Please let us take him home. We will bring him
back for the trial.' Pleaded his mother.
'That is not possible. Just imagine what would happen if the others
realize he could talk.' Boomed the elder. 'But what's so wrong with
'talking'?, our ancestors of the Old World talked.' The mother implored
'No, that's not the same.
We've stopped speaking for many millennia now; we have lost all
ability to speak. In over seven thousand years your son is the only
being who has been able to utter a single word. He definitely has to be
a mutation.
And we must decide what to do with him as soon as possible. In the
mean time he shall be restricted to the compound.' The elder was
adamant. Erkins father ran out of patience and stepped forward. 'Altur
have you forgotten the service I have done to the New World, or have you
gone out of your mind' Erkins father was a bold the Commander to the
Starships Convoy of the New World during the intergalactic war.
Finally Altur had no choice but to budge. But he held the parents
responsible for the traumatised child and his appearance at the trial
two days ahead. Erkin stepped out of the compound to the bright sunshine
of the new world.
Erkin wondered for how long he would be able to enjoy the beauty of
the New World. For his nine years he was extremely intelligent. He was
about to step on to the solar power driven electric bus when he felt his
father tugged at his shoulder. 'No son' communicated his father as
mother and son listened clueless.
'You are going to go some where far away, some where you can be safe
from these narrow minded men.' 'Where father?''To the end of the world -
to the Colunars'. Erkins mother gasped.
The Octors - the tribe of Erkin or for that matter any other tribe of
the new world never dared to trespass on Colunar territory. They were a
secluded tribe, of which no other tribes new much about.
They were also highly territorial. 'But how can we ever leave, Altur
would think that we are traitors, besides the Colunars! that's
insane.'Whispered Erkins mother. 'No sherra, we will not go. Erkin will
go alone.' 'But...' Sherra started to protest 'Now I will have none of
that.' Sherra knew better than to go over her husbands head.
With great difficulty she silenced her self. 'You are now grown
enough to take care of your self young man.' he said smiling at his son.
'Do not worry. I will not send you away totally devoid of guidance.
When you reach Columnar Territory you will be met by Changar. He will
help you. Besides I have very good reason to send you to Columnar. It's
one place they'll never look for you.'
Continued next week...
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