A memorable evening with talented children
Potpourri - A collection of plays and performance
by Ranga Chandrarathne
it would have been a drama, Potpourri would be yet another name with a
fading memory of an evening spent in rather dim-lit Punchi Theatre.
However, the evening turned out to be a novel experience, revisiting
colourful moments of childhood.
As well-trained children stole the show, perhaps almost all the
spectators walked down memory lane evoking their childhood with
fairytale character such as Snow White, Cinderella, Alice and Persephone
and Seasons.
Throughout the performance, it was evident that the children
thoroughly enjoyed playing diverse roles on the stage before a large
audience. Different pieces and performance poems were included in the
programme so as to ensure the participation of all the students.
Although this may lengthen the performance which actually ran into
two hours, the audience consisting mostly of parents of the children as
well as spectators representing cross section of the population, enjoyed
it without dosing off, on their seats.
A striking feature of the production is the presence of improvisation
in most of the items including Poems of Sound and Movement, Once Upon a
Time where the characters of diverse stories come on the stage as if to
disturb the narrator, rendering a novel interpretation to old stories.
For instance the character Cinderella prefers to call herself Cindy, a
shorten form of her name.
Though satirical in outlook, Punchi Raja explores bankruptcy on the
part of rulers of the land. For instance, Punchi Raja who is
pre-occupied with his physical appearance, in fact, is a short man. He
incessantly tries to grow tall and in the process, is being cheated by a
shrewd men.
It is here that children, though primarily taught in English,
demonstrate their ability to speak in Sinhala.
Other items such as Befriending Bertha, Once Upon a Time, Scientist
Meet Fish, Fairytale Beauties and Persephone and the Seasons were both
entertaining and educative for the children as items have been taken
from diverse sources including Greek Mythology.
The story behind the performance is as interesting as the stories
themselves. According to Shashi Mendis de Costa, most of the items were
born during drama class.
The students have written them and most of the plays are based on
sessions of improvisations with the students.
The poems that have been used for Poems of Sounds and Movement should
contain 'Sound Words' and 'potential for movements'. Some of the senior
students who took part in 'Magic Land', earlier production by Sushi
Mendis, have also taken up different roles in the performance.
All most all the children have been proved good actors and actresses
in their allotted roles. It is indeed a delicate task to train children
belong to different age-group in a collective exercise given the
different degree of their abilities and the credit should go to the
Director of the Potpourri, Shashi Mendis.
A higher degree of perfection maintained throughout the performance
could be attributed to dedication on the part of children and the
Director of the performance for arduous rehearsals that would have fine
tuned the cast.
One of the fascinating features of the performance was that it
provided much-needed exposure to the students. Most of the items of the
performance not only brings about children's innate aesthetic abilities
but also demonstrated their capabilities in organisation, team work and
ability to speak in both English and Sinhala.
[email protected]
A Teledrama with a different theme
Antharjana Minisa:
by Ranga Chandrarathne
Minisa, the latest teledrama by Jayantha Ranawaka to be released soon
would be a novel experience for viewers as it is woven around a science
fiction like plot. However, it is on another plain, deals with complex
human behaviours and man's craving for fame, money and also foul play
and jealousy.
The story unfolds with a chance birth of a creation as a result of a
strange genetic experience carried out by scientist Jackie Weeratunga.
Subsequently, on news it was revealed that the creature had escaped from
the laboratory and Jackie has been admitted to hospital and is in a
critical condition.
Meanwhile, scientist Stephan Lankeshwara, a widower who lives with
his daughter and a servant in his late wife's ancestral house, who is a
brother-in-law of Jackie, tries hard to steal the details of the secret
experiment. Stephan attempts to coaxes Tony, boyfriend of his daughter
into getting involved in the venture. On failing, he solicits support of
an underworld gangster Toraja.
The ape-featured anima undergoes rapid changes in the evolution
process due to hormone reactions. The story turns twists and changes and
ends with Stephan having to pay for his sins. Through the episode the
villagers learn the potentials that modern technology offers.
One of the significant features of the teledrama is that especial
effects have been used to create certain scenes and a lot of researches
have been involved in the production of the teledrama, from
scrip-writing to shooting.
Though the story is on a scientific theme, it reveals human nature.
This will pave way for teledramas with a different theme rather than
confining it to stereo-type plots set in middle class families.
Script writer Jayantha Ranawaka should be commended for attempting to
change the course of the contemporary teledramas in Sri Lanka and the
notion that serious themes can not be explored through the medium.
The teledrama is script-written and directed by Jayantha Ranawaka and
special effects and art direction is also by Jayantha. The cast includes
Joe Abeywickrama, Tony Ranasinghe, Nitha Samaranayake and Bandula
[email protected]
Shani in concert again
again the Alliance Francaise de Colombo has invited the Internationally
acclaimed Sri Lankan pianist Shani Diluka Abeygoonaratne who lives in
France to perform on November 3 at 7 p.m. at the Bishop's College
Born in Monaco, impregnated in two cultures Sri Lankan and Monagasque,
Shani is considered by the Press as one of the greatest of her
generation. Selected very young due to a programme initiated by Princess
Grace for exceptionally talented children for music, and at ten years of
age was presented on the mid day news programme on the French National
Television FR 2 showing her musical skills.
At 12 years she gave a solo recital during the first half of a
concert with Helen Grimaud at the Acropolis in Nice. Mr. Laurence Foster
proposes her to study at the Julliards School in New York.
Premier Prix and the final Diploma with felicitations and first named
in the Acadamie Prince Rainier 111 and with the identical results at the
Conservatoire National of Nice and the Prestigious Conservatoire
Superior of Music in Paris.
Here her excellent results enabled her to be selected to the 3rd
Cycle or the highest achievement awarded by the CNSMD.
Today feted for her International success from Rome to New York, from
Paris to Tokyo, and invited by the most prestigious Festivals such as
Roque D' Antheron (4th consecutive year.) The Young Master series at the
Concertgebau, Festival Chopin de Bagatelles. The International festival
Davos, The Folle Journee Tokyo, Bolbao Nantes, etc. etc.
Shani is also Laureate of such prestigious Foundations Such as
Wilhelm Kemph, Natexis, Prince de Pologniac, Yamaha and CIMA. In 2003
she was selected by the International Piano Foundation of Como where
only six of the worlds most promising Pianists are chosen, and presided
by Martha Argerich.
Shani has received recognition and been selected to work with some of
the World's best Professors and Pianists among them, Murray Peraiah
(chosen to appear at Salle Gaveau), invited by Maria Joao.
Pirez, to Belgais, Pressler to Bloomington, and with Chrisoph
Eishenbach, and Leon Fleisher (with whom Shani works regularly).
Further she has collaborated with acclaimed composers of today,
Kurtag, Lacherman, Rhim and Montavani (whose music was presented as a
World Premier together with Eric-Maria Couturier).
Her registration of a Mozart Sonata by Radio France Music was aired
on 150 national radios around the world such as the BBC or the ABC of
Australia, and of Canada to name a few.
Shani will also be the opening piano soloist of the 2008 season of
the Philharmonic Orchestra of Monaco with Laurence Foster as conductor.
Her first disc with Mirrare, and Harmonia Mundi (February 2007), The
Grieg Concerto and the Lyrical pieces received prestigious awards and
rave critics internationally!
The rare Choc de la Mond de la Musique, selection France Music, RTL
D'OR (RTL Gold), Coup de Coeur Harmonia Mundi, 5/5 Diapasson, Choice of
ARTE which selected it as the disc of the month.
Her future engagements with Prestigious Chamber musicians such as
Quatour Berg, and Tallisch, and her collaboration with Quatour Mogdliani
and quatour Ysae shows the esteem she has with them.
Water exhibition of paintings

Water, an exhibition of paintings by Teranza Sandapati Wickramaratne
will be held from October 27 to 28 at the Lionel Wendt Art Gallery.
The entire exhibition is on the theme water which is the foundation
of life and the development of many civilizations. Here Artist tries to
display infinite moods and his attitude towards environment.