Al Gore, the environmental activist
U.S. Vice President. Born Albert Arnold Gore Jr., on March 31, 1948,
in Washington, D.C. His father, Albert Gore Sr., a congressman from
Tennessee, served in the House of Representatives. His mother, Pauline
(La Fon) Gore, was one of the first women to graduate from Vanderbilt
Law School.
At once a Washington thoroughbred and a hometown Tennessean, Gore
grew up accustomed to both environments. In the nation's capital, Gore
attended the exclusive St. Alban's Episcopal School for Boys. In
Tennessee, he worked on his family's farm.

Gore then attended Harvard, where he roomed with future actor Tommy
Lee Jones. He earned a degree with high honors in government in 1969
after writing a senior thesis titled "The Impact of Television on the
Conduct of the Presidency, 1947-1969."
After struggling with his conscience about his opposition to the
Vietnam War, Gore, who was drafted for service that year, decided to
enter the military. Though his father lost his next bid for the Senate,
Al Gore Jr.'s decision to join the military helped allay the concerns of
his father's constituency about Al Gore Sr.'s opposition to the war.
Gore served his time in Vietnam as an army reporter. When he returned
to the States in 1971, he worked as a reporter at the Tennessean. When
he was later moved to the city politics beat, Gore uncovered political
and bribery cases that led to convictions.
While at the Tennessean, Gore, a Baptist, also studied philosophy and
phenomenology at Vanderbilt University. In 1974, he enrolled in
Vanderbilt's law school. Just two years later, he began to campaign for
the Democratic nomination for Tennessee's Fourth District congressional
When he won the nomination over Stanley Rogers, it was a big enough
success to predict his win in the 1976 general election. After serving
four terms, Gore jumped at the chance to fill the open Tennessee
senatorial seat.
He won the election in 1984. Among other things, Gore was
particularly active in environmental issues. He played an integral role
in the creation and passage of the 1980 Superfund bill to clean up
chemical spills and dangerous land dumps. He has also worked for nuclear
In 1988, Gore made a bid for the Democratic nomination for the
presidency. He won five southern states on Super Tuesday, but eventually
lost to Michael Dukakis. Gore remained in the Senate until presidential
candidate Bill Clinton chose him as his running mate in 1992.
They were elected into office that year and re-elected in 1996. While
in office, Gore continued to display concern for the environment. In
1992, he wrote Earth in the Balance: Healing the Global Environment
(1992). He also worked to cut back on government bureaucracy.
Though it was Clinton who came under fire so often during their
terms, Gore's political image suffered when he was investigated by the
Justice Department in 1997 and 1998 for his fund-raising activities
during the 1996 re-election campaign.
Gore came under fire for, among other things, making a number of
fund-raising telephone calls from his office in the White House-a
possible violation of a civil service law that bars elected officials
from using federal property to solicit campaign contributions.
In both 1997 and 1998, Attorney General Janet Reno refused to assign
an independent counsel to investigate Gore's truthfulness when
questioned under oath about his fund-raising practices.
A renewed inquiry into Gore's fund-raising activities began in the
spring and summer of 2000, and the head of the Justice Department's
campaign finance unit again recommended that Reno appoint an special
prosecutor. In August, after publicly defending her previous decisions
in a June Senate hearing, Reno rejected his recommendation.
In his 2000 presidential campaign, Gore faced down an early challenge
from former Senator Bill Bradley, emerging victorious in every primary
election. Bradley withdrew from the race in early March 2000, stating
that he supports Gore and calling for unity within the Democratic Party.
Gore emerged from the primaries unscathed, but is facing a tough race
with the Republican presidential nominee, George W. Bush, and his
running mate, former Secretary of Defense Richard B. Cheney.
On August 8, 2000, Gore made his long-awaited announcement of a
running mate, choosing Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut.
Lieberman is the first Orthodox Jew ever to be named on the ticket for a
major national party.
His strong support of campaign finance reform is expected to help
Gore deflect Republican criticism of his past fund-raising activities.
Lieberman was also the first prominent Democrat to publicly chastise
President Clinton for his admitted affair with former White House intern
Monica Lewinsky, and his presence on the ticket will give Gore some
much-needed distance from the less savory aspects of the Clinton legacy.
Gore and Lieberman received their party's formal nomination at the
Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles in mid-August.
Gore has been married to Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson, who he met at a
school dance during his senior year of high school, since 1969. Known as
"Tipper," Mrs. Gore has been involved in the campaign for labeling of
music that contains sexually explicit content.
In 1999, Mrs. Gore also made news when she publicly spoke about
suffering from depression. The Gores have four children: Karenna Gore
Schiff (who has assumed an increasingly important role as an advisor to
her father), Kristin, Sarah, and Albert III.
Al Gore Wins The Nobel Prize
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize for
his work raising awareness about climate change. Gore, whose climate
change documentary, An Inconvenient Truth won an Academy Award, shares
the prize with the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
The panel comprises 3,000 leading climate scientists.
Novel chairman Ole Danbolt Mjoes revealed the committee had chosen
the winners "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater
knowledge about man-made climate change and to lay the foundations for
the measures that are needed to counteract such change".
Gore and the panel will share a $1.5 million prize.
Al Gore To Give Nobel Prize Money To Green Charity
Former Vice President-turned-environmental warrior Al Gore is to hand
over the $1.5 million he'll receive as the latest Nobel Prize winner to
a green charity in California.
Ironically, the An Inconvenient Truth star was planning to meet with
officials at The Alliance For Climate Protection in Palo Alto,
California when he discovered he had been honored on Thursday night. At
a press conference staged at the ACP's headquarters on Friday, the
global warming activist said, "I'm of course deeply honored to receive
this award.
"(My wife) Tipper and I will go to Oslo (Norway) and I will accept
this award on behalf of all of those who have been working so long and
so hard to try to get the message out about this planetary emergency.
This is a chance to elevate global consciousness about the challenges
that we face now."
He then announced that he and his wife had decided to hand over the
proceeds from the honor to The Alliance For Climate Protection. Gore is
the first American to win the Nobel Prize since former President Jimmy
Carter. |