Ra-Blue a happy man
Ra-Blue was in a happy mood when he chaired the Elephant Party ex-co
after the Tigers attacked the A-Pura air camp. He seemed so thrilled
when his buddy Em Pees described the extent of the terror attack. What a
patriotic leader!
Mis-Leading blackmailing
Mis-Leading from Behind is notorious for blackmailing to raise funds
for the survival of the Rag Sheet. But his scribe got caught and had an
overnight stay at ID that is See for the sins of his boss. Even the
Retired Big Lady, when at receiving end some years ago, disclosed how
the Mis-Leading man blackmailed her.
Milk-Fall's downfall
Lucy Milk-Fall is on a bad wicket as detectives peruse his irregular
land deals carefully. Very soon, the investigators would disclose all
his raw deals when Ra-Blue was the Pee Em. Poor Milk-Fall's days seem to
be numbered.
Dal-Less goes green
Dal-Less was a happy man when new railway compartments were added to
Princess Ruhunu. But when Dal-Less signalled the departure with a green
flag, he told his Railway Doctor and media men not to be mislead that he
has joined the Ma-Pila team.
Stealthy meeting
A few Ra-Blue loyalists met last Tuesday for a stealthy meeting at
which they discussed how they could make the best use of the A-Pura
Tiger attack. Lucky Milk-Fall insisted that they should paint even a
gloomy picture so that they could expedite their plan to regain power.
Four greens for My-Lynda
Three Green Em Pees, brokered by Roof that is Big, held a special
meeting with My-Linda under closed doors. Dejected by their leader's
unethical tactics to regain power, the three Em Pees pledged to abstain
from voting if the Confidence is checked through a motion. |