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DateLine Sunday, 6 January 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Ideal read for diplomat aspirants

Professional Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management: An Ambassador's Insight

If ever a book came to be published that was relevant to the times, this is it. The icing on the cake is that its author is a Malaysian career Ambassador of Sri Lankan decent. He also has to his credit the title "Dato" , conferred by the Malaysian King for his distinguished contribution to the country. He was appointed High Commissioner to Nigeria in 1984 and retired as the Director General of ASEAN (1993-1995).

He had the unique experience of being the Head of the Prestigious Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations where he took a keen interest in training methods and technology and human resource management.

His qualification to write on professional diplomacy and foreign affairs is never in question. Being highly respected internationally, he has advised a number of countries on various international matters. He was Adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia and assisted both Cambodia and Laos in their membership of ASEAN.

He has remained active as Adjunct Professor at University Utara and has published 10 other landmark books. He is also a much sought after Dhamma speaker in Malaysia and abroad.

The foreword to this definitive book on diplomacy and international relations is by no less an eminent world leader than Dr. Mahathir Mohamed who states that, "Malaysians have good reason to take pride...... it is the first comprehensive manual for training in diplomacy and foreign affairs." He points out that, "Malaysia deserves full credit for conducting its foreign relations in such a highly professional manner."

This is an apt lesson for our Government of course, because it obviously thinks that any and everyone from a doghouse or wherever, could manage the country's foreign relations.

Dr. Mahathir also underlines, for the benefit of leaders of countries like Sri Lanka that, "A primary reason for the country's high distinction in the conduct of its international relations is that not only does the Government recognise the vital importance of professionalism and training in diplomacy and foreign affairs, but more importantly, it demonstrably meets the responsibility by providing the necessary resources towards that end."

Malaysia's present Prime Minister, Dato Abdullah Badawi, states, "To the best of my knowledge no Malaysian or foreigner has produced such a comprehensive handbook or manual for professional training in diplomatic affairs".

The all round accolades to the author speaks volumes of the treatise which foreign policymakers of our country must avail themselves with great profit, starting with the President and his Ministers.

In particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and his officers who have daily inputs into decision-making on foreign policy and its implementation, ought to treat the book as their 'Bible'.

Briefly, this comprehensive manual which contains 12 cogent chapters and runs into over 500 pages, brilliantly showcases Malaysia's success story as a newly independent State.

It pinpoints Malaysia's positive response to the demand for professional training in the important area of statecraft and provides an invaluable insight into how the country created a cadre of professionally trained public officials of high calibre.

It is not without significance that Dr. Kumarasiri refers to professional diplomacy "as the conduct of a country's relations with foreign countries, international organisations and business organisations by public officials on the basis of policies decided on by the Government".

He underlines how professional diplomacy has today extended beyond its conventional political functions and embraces diverse activities that include international economics, international monetary affairs, social and cultural development, technological interchange and global issues such as the environment. The author also brings to attention the impact of the information technology and communication revolution on diplomatic practice and of the new as well as anticipated challenges and opportunities which the present and future generations of public officials are likely to encounter.

Dr. Kumarasiri discuses at length the "raison d'etre for professional training". This section of the book is a must read for our naive politicians who think that the work of a diplomat is merely PR and partying at the taxpayer's expenses (which sadly has become the preoccupation in our system of governance) and that any Dick Tom and Harry could simply walk in from nowhere and discharge the function of a diplomat.

He states with good authority, "competent diplomats and officials skilled in statecraft are not created overnight; rather they need proper training and have to be nurtured with care to reach the high professional standards required for the competent discharge of their duties."

Under the chapter, "Factors in the Evolution of Professionalism", he highlights the tremendous contribution made by Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia's dynamic second Prime Minister, who is credited with placing the emphasis on professionalism and training of all categories and levels of public officials.

The chapter on "Malaysia's Internationalist Make-up", discusses, among other things, the formation of Malaysia, the history of the country's foreign relations, its confrontation with Indonesia, the formation of ASEAN and Malaysia's progressively expanding international interests and global linkages.

The country's experience in managing the challenges and opportunities holds valuable lessons for us and other countries, This book is not only informative but also instructive.

To reiterate, I strongly recommend that this guidebook be made mandatory reading for all public officials, including and in particular, our Ministers and top bureaucrats and be used as an invaluable manual.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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