Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera rendered enormous
services to religious amity
Erudite prelate, controversial author and forceful speaker
by W.T.A. Leslie Fernando
Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera, the founder and former Viharadhipati
of Aryabhodi Vihara passed away on January 05, 2008 after a prolonged
illness. A dynamic and outspoken Buddhist prelate he has made a distinct
imprint on the religious, cultural and social life in our country. In
fact at his cremation that took place at the Udubaddawa public
playground on January 9, 2008, a message of condolence from H.E. the
President Mahinda Rajapaksa was read by Ven. Watinapaha Somananda Thera.
Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera was born on February 19, 1935 at
Horathapola in Katugampola Korale in the Kurunegala District. He had his
early education at Walpitagama Roman Catholic School. He entered Sasana
at the age of 09 and was ordained a Samanera or Novice on November 22,
1944. His preceptors were Ven. Yatagama Sri Gnanakansa Thera and Ven.
Walagama Sri Gnanawimala Thera.
After his formal monastic education at Nadalagamuwa Pirivena and
several other Pirivenas he studied for university entrance at Sri Lanka
Vidyalaya, Colombo. He entered Vidyodaya University in 1962 and passed
out a graduate in 1965.
From 1965 to 1968 Horathapola Palitha Thera served as a temporary
teacher and then as the librarian at Sri Lanka College (Pirivena). Later
he served in several other institutions and in 1976 joined the
government service as a teacher in Beramuda Vidyalaya in the Badulla
District. In 1986 he prematurely retired as a teacher in Dhammananda
Maha Vidyalaya, Udubaddawa.
In the meantime in 1984, he set up the Aryabhodi Vihara at Udubaddawa.
He developed it in a short time to become a prominent religious centre
in the area. Situated in beautiful surroundings amidst greenery it is
popularly known as the 'Thailand Temple' as it has a Thailand style
Buddhist statue and a viharaya. Many could find solace in this temple
away from the vexations of daily life. However Horathapola Palitha Thera
is better known for his political activities. He joined the MEP in 1960.
Since then in victory and in defeat, in good times and in bad times he
had been loyal to the MEP. He was one of those who maintained the
continuity of the MEP when Philip Gunawardena lost the Avissawella seat
in 1970 and he passed away in 1972.
Horathapola Palitha Thera was a forceful speaker and able organiser.
He was a well-known journalist whose writings have adorned many
journals. He has also made his mark as a renowned author of several
outstanding works.
'Jathiye Navodaya' a felicitation volume on Philip Gunawardena
compiled by Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera in 1969 was the first of its
kind presented on a politician. His work 'Wathman Bhikku Parapura' was
severely criticised as an attack on the higher ranks of the Sangha.
Nevertheless Ven. Dr. Walpola Rahula Thera commended him for fearlessly
expressing his views.
It was Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera who edited and presented the
book 'Seethavaka Urumaya' on the facts and material provided by Philip
Gunawardena. When the book was posthumously released in 1973 after the
death of Philip Gunawardena, Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe, the historian
remarked "Philip Gunawardena dealing with history has done a better
service than historians dealing with politics."
Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera released his autobiography titled 'Jeevithayaka
Udanaya' on November 22, 1994 for his golden jubilee as a Buddhist monk.
It deals with his successes and failures and what he achieved against
many odds.
His magnum opus was 'Saraswathie Vihara Wansaya' dealing with the
history of the Ramanna Nikaya and more particularly of Balagalla
Saraswathi sect to which he belonged. In 1997 this volume was carried in
the back of an elephant and released at a grand ceremony at Saraswathie
Pirivena Divulapitiya, presided over by Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike the
then Prime Minister.
I came to know Ven. Horathapola Palitha Thera in 1977 when he
organised a felicitation ceremony for my father Warnakulasuriya Santiago
Fernando (1904-91) who was a renowned Catholic. On that occasion the
biography of Santiago Fernando written by Horathapola Palitha Thera too
was released.
To my knowledge this was the first occasion where the dignitaries of
different religious and representatives of various political parties
appeared in a common platform in Negombo. At that time Santiago Fernando
was the President of the MEP but in that ceremony more emphasis was
placed on his religious, cultural and social activities. Although the
function was held at Bauddha Mandiraya, Negombo, it had a Catholic
background with hymns sung in between.
Horathapola Palitha Thera never mixed politics with his other
activities. As a teacher he never carried his political convictions to
the classroom. He never used his political influence for personal gain.
He was able to get the co-operation of all the people in the vicinity
for religious activities of Aryabhodi Vihara, Udubaddawa irrespective of
their political affiliations.
Ven. Palitha Thera dedicated all his energy, time and talents for the
betterment of mankind. With all his religious, social, literary and
political activities, he could somehow or other find the time to visit
the sick and aged monks in the area and console them.
Throughout his life, Horathapola Palitha Thera was hampered by
various sicknesses. For most of his life he neither had a permanent
abode nor other resources. There was no dayaka sabha for his temple. He
achieved everything by sheer determination, indomitable courage and
It was my honour and privilege to have been close to Ven. Horathapola
Palitha Thera.
(The writer is a former High Court Judge and Vice President of
Newman Society Alumni Association.) |