live with me, and be my love....
Can you define what love really is? It's very hard to give an exact
meaning to love. Different people may mean it in different ways. Love ,
for me, is something that I can feel throughout my life which can heal
me at times of adversity. May I received from my family and friends
which we call affection, and also be from a fiance which is varied from
the above.
Love from a fiance is a tinge of feelings. It consists of amour and
pure love in the same quantity. Sensual love is always exciting and
heart throbbing which human beings are uniquely blessed with. Love is a
phenomenon, everyone is amazed and is expressed at least once in a life
time. When some one is in love it really gives thrilling experience., which is forever spoken...People will never stop
speaking about love. Love existed from the dawn of the history of
mankind.It's still there, it will last till the dooms day, the end of
the world.
Lovers cannot see
" Love is blind,
and lovers cannot see
The pretty
follies that themselves commit"
Shakespeare- Merchant of Venice
Why do the wise say that lovers are blind? Are they visually
handicapped? When love prevails in a person's life, everything to that
person is love. The every sight he sees is his lover's, the every sound
hears is of his lover's. Every thought which flows into mind is adorable
feelings of his lover.
is what magical love is..No one is able to get rid of that heart
throbbing and electrified feelings of love. Because it occurs naturally.
It's a pleasurable experience to swim in the ocean of love than tasting
thousand flakes of candies. Love is sweeter than that. You might know
the relish of love better than me, perhaps. Love is indiscribabale. the
space here won't be enough if I've got to explain what love is and how a
person feels when he is in love....
The above verse of Shakespeare becomes true when a person is in love.
He can see, he can think, he can work....but with his lover always in
mind and distracted by the thoughts of the lover. Some decisions made by
a person who is in love cannot always be correct because he is mentally
blind and trying harder to save his love which ranks higher than
everything in his life.
Tears of love
Haven't you ever shed a single tear for the sake of love. If someone
is ready to love and to be loved should be able to bear the pain when
it's broken off. No one on earth starts an affair with the intention of
tasting the bitterness of separation at the end.
Some times we are not able to marry the person we are really in love
with. There may be various reasons for that. Parents often seemed to put
a big protest when they get to know that their child is in love with a
person who doesn't suit the family.
When parents have to exhibit their dissatisfaction it might finally
cause agony to the broken hearted.
Lovers may feel awful when the person he or she loves left him or
her. It's a tragedy. Some lovers seemed to be mentally downtrodden and
may have to face kind of mental trauma. They perhaps tend to commit
suicide in the name of their lover.
Some might remain single throughout their life as a sacrifice for
their love. Ruining one's life for the sake of one person who does no
longer love that person is a silly act. Because the person may find a
better partner later in life. Some people are very strong and easily get
rid of the after effects of breaking off his/her lover.
These after effects are very dangerous, because it can ruin the
present happiness in a person and make one's life miserable.
some strong people are faced with a similar situation of similar nature
they won't be disconsolate and waste his/her life, they say " If she/he
doesn't need me, why should I be bothered.
True that I loved him/her, but no more, because he/she left me. I
believe I'll meet a better partner someday who will love me and won't
give me pain" How wise is the person who thinks that way. It's hard to
find a person who could marry their first love. " First love is a kind
of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint a second
time".Honore De Balzac.
Why worry over split milk? If your lover doesn't need your precious
love that he/ she had been blessed with for a period of time, that's
nothing but his/ her bad luck. That person may not be the ideal partner
in your life. Ideal partner is yet to come.
How folly it is to cry over split milk. It's like you're trying to
send back the mother's milk in to the bladder. If you have to face such
a situation in life simply forget the person and involve in some other
things which will help you to get rid of such unpleasant feelings.
"Love doesn't grow on trees like apples in Eden - It's something you
have to make. And you must use your imagination to make it too, just
like anything else. It's all work, work". Joyce Cary.
"Love is like measles; you can get it only once, and the later in
life it occurs the tougher it gets". - Josh Billings |