Do you know how hard it is to write a joint article, let alone a
joint column? Well take it from us it can be really tough at times. But
we pull it off every week. And believe me at the end of the week seeing
the column in the magazine it's quite satisfying. It's hard to find a
compatible friend who share the same ideas.
a friend in need is a friend indeed. But the fact is that good, true
friends are also hard to find. Since grade one to this very day we've
had many friends. But the question is how many of them are good and
true. When you are young, specially a student you move with many people,
in many situations. Some may be similar to you with common pursuits,
goals and interests.
This gives a feeling of fellowship. When you like their company and
would like to build a closer relationship, it results in friendship.
There are very few people who do not have friends. But there is a
difference between being friends and being friendly. We tend to be
friendly in varying degrees with different individuals. We can have many
friends, but it is advisable to be close only to a chosen few. At a
young age it is no doubt difficult to be picky.
Friends are said to hold a mirror to your personality. They can be a
wholesome influence to you, provided that they are of good character.
Friends help one another in many ways, by guiding, by exercising their
privilege to restrain or correct when necessary, while cheering and
helping you to relax in their company. Friends share personal
belongings. They may even provide financial assistance when one is in
True friendship is priceless.
At times your best friend may seem like a real pain. But one has to
understand that you fight in the first place because you are good
friends. No one picks fights with strangers. But this does not mean
Samadhi should nag me from morning to night, calling my name for the
slightest matter.
But then again when I recall the moment we first said 'hi', we simply
clicked. As we both are buddhists we strongly believed that it may have
to do with a connection to a previous life time. Some of our friends
even call us by different names which are either linked to our twin-like
characteristics or our sisterly bond.
Next week lets go into detail by analyzing the nine types of friends,
in Buddhist teaching. Until then keep making friends because without
them life would be indeed very dull. But pick the right kind of friends
because they might be the one who will lead you to heaven or hell. |