Wonders with sculpture
by K. D. S. W. Kumara

W. Gunasiri |
W. Gunasiri, fortunate to be born in the Attanagalle area is an
artist in drawing, painting and sculpture.
After his tertiary education, he entered the Government Aesthetic
Institution, studied drawing and Painting as a main subject and the art
of sculpture as an additional one.
Afterwards, while working at Nawajeewana Cinama Studio, he also
worked as Co-Art Director of the films, 'Ekamath Eka Rataka', 'Sirakaruwa',
and 'Ma Alayakala Tharuniya' , that were produced in that Art Gallery.
Here, the sculptural work, background drawings which were needed for
film backgrounds, were prepared by him.
Then while rendering service in Sri Lanka Art Gallery Ltd, he worked
with Indian National Film Directors such as M. Sanjeewa and J. A.
Vincent. Also he contributed a lot for the progress here, with providing
background drawings, sculptural work and drawing of posters and to
prepare the cast of artists' names.
He worked so hard that several moulds used for film production in
their initial stages were also turned to sculpture by him. It was
something very hard to do. The film production moulds of E. A. P. Films,
R. T. Films, R. R. Films, K. K. Films, Ganga Films and Sighagiri Films,
were too created by him.
he was also offered the post of film scenery exhibitor and he did a
yeoman service for the institution in completing the sculptural pieces
of art with his own hands.
These pieces of art are 'Muslim Minisa', 'Gamarala', 'Gamamahage' 'Udarata
Nettuwa' and 'Dalada Etha'. No doubt, this is unimaginable hard work.
He himself made moulds out of cement and with the help of these
moulds, he made ornamental goods too. These productions were done in
such a way that someone could keep these ornaments in balance on
something, being subjected to swing in the wind, so that it would be a
surprise for the onlooker.
In 1980, he was also promoted to the post of Assistant Producer of
models in sculpture, painting and drawing and he has served in this
position about five years.
After retirement, by utilising his talents further, he not only
presented his creations in exhibitions held annually by the Department
of Small Industries, but also won awards in the relevant field.
He was awarded a Presidential Award for a sculptural piece of art,
done by him in wood.
In the same year, he also succeeded in winning the 'Kalabooshama
Award', awarded by the Department of Culture. |